- It's a good thing Jeannie Weasley drowned the old school's Purebreds," said Oliver Wood, captain of Gryffindor's Quidditch team.
- I agree," said Cedric Diggory, "but still a sign of anxiety.
They both looked at Harry, who was racing up the slope at Hogwarts. Argus Filch was following Potter and shouting something about the damage to school property and punishment.
- First the cat, now Weasley, who would be next? - Cedric shook his head.
- Doesn't the Heir plan to spoil the Nimbuses? - Oliver responded to his tone.
The incident with Filch's cat had not been forgotten yet, even though a month had passed, and now the incident with Ginny Weasley had stirred up Hogwarts again. The gossip and anxiety was growing, and the trade-in amulets and talismans against the Dark Magic flourished, and even the professor seemed to be concerned about what was happening.
Gaius, on the other hand, remained calm and believed in Professor Lockhart, and he did not fail his expectations.
December 23, 1992, Hogwarts
- Duo Club! - proclaimed Lockhart from a platform equipped in the Great Hall. - You will learn to defend yourself under my wise guidance, of course! Professor Snape, who has agreed to act as my assistant, will help me do this!
Severus Snape and Gilderoy Lockhart took places on the platform and greeted each other with bows of the head. Gaius watched with curiosity, remembering the proper poses and words, as well as the movement of sticks. Lockhart-sensei met Professor Snape's spell and Gaius shook his head respectfully. What self-control! Stand and see the spell coming into you and do nothing but give the disciples a good look at the action and consequences of magic?
- The perfect execution of the Perfect Witchcraft! - was proclaimed by Lockhart as he ascended from the platform. - Now let us pair up and work on it!
Gaius smiled, for Gilderoy was again copying Kakashi's tricks. Those who saw it saw why they had to teach something to those who did not want to learn? He showed it and let the students work on it in practice. Maito himself taught differently, but could not deny the approach of Kakashi, who turned his disciples into the strongest shinobi, the second trio of legendary ninjas!
- Okay! - Harry screamed at the team. - In the name of the Force of Youth, let's master this spell!
He immediately turned to Draco and shouted.
- My eternal opponent! It's time for our new competition!
- I think everyone should see it! - exclaimed Lockhart, who heard (like all the other students in the Great Hall) Harry scream. - Get on the platform!
- Thank you for the honor, Lockhart-sensei! - Harry bowed down in return.
The Draco was ready in his mind and mind. Of course, he knew the Disarming Spell, Expelliarmus, but he also knew Harry. When he was on fire, it wasn't easy to cope with him, no matter what they competed in, eating buns, running to the Lake or spells.
But then suddenly Severus Snape, standing next to him, put his hands on his chest and said loudly.
- If we teach protection, the conditions must be different! Mass duel!
- Competition between teams and their mentors! That's right! - Harry wailed instantly, and then turned to Guilderoy and wailed even harder. - Lockhart-sensei, do us the honor!
Draco saw on Severus' face a gloomy satisfaction, and he was also satisfied with the humming. True, he was scratched by some mistake, but there was no time to understand what was going on. The disciples left, forming a circle in the center of the Great Hall, and there remained the teams of Draco and Harry, and Prof. Snape and Lockhart.
- The flaming Power of Youth, driven by experience! - Harry proclaimed, throwing his hand to heaven. - Yes! Let's show all the ardor of our Youth Spring and win, and if we can not, we will train twice as hard and win next time!
- Yes! - Sharpened after Harry Ron, Neville and Hermione.
Neville waited, worrying and clenching his teeth. He will not give in! He will show that he did not train for anything!
Severus Snape was calm and collected. Now he will not only teach Lockhart another legitimate lesson but will also give Potter and Longbottom a good lesson! It was enough to study all this Youthful Power to provoke the right reaction, and all this will serve as a chorus-r-royal lesson to the two obnoxious disciples! Snape had no doubt they wouldn't understand, but it was even better. And if they asked him for another lesson, he would... gladly give it to them. And again, he's gonna beat Potter and Longbottom off on completely legal grounds.
It was definitely the best Christmas present in years to come.
Severus Snape was fast, very fast, and Guy nodded admirably, paying tribute to the skill of the professor.
- Expelliarmus! - and Professor Lockhart was again blown away, hitting the platform.
- Wingardium Leviosa! - Neville shouted a trumpet, and a wave of magic hit Slytherin's team.
The power of Youth Neville was so great that with one spell he blew down Professor Snape standing in the center, took over the Draco team and punched through the wall... no, two walls through. Argus Filch's face appeared in the breach, wheezing enthusiastically and suffocating without finding words from such a flaming manifestation of strength!
- The professor is wounded! - Gaius shouted to the team, pointing to the stationary Lockhart. - Take him to the infirmary! We'll prove that we trained for a reason and we'll get him there in a minute!
The rest rushed to Gilderoi, together they caught him, habitually and easily, and the four of us rushed to Madame Pomfrey, past Hogwarts, who was suffocating with delight.
- We will not lose! - Draco's fierce scream was heard. - Grab Professor Snape! Push! Push!
To be continued...