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Nika's adventures

The effects of insomnia

I woke up in a cold sweat because I had a nightmare: there was some battle, dark, blood, monsters, lots of monsters everywhere. There was also some kind of crown. What the hell! My heart beats rapidly, I'm shaking... Damn it! It was that dream again! I can't see him anymore! No! I can't! That's not true! Not true? No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! That's not true! It won't be like this! It shouldn't happen! I will not allow it! Never! It's worse than the end of the world! It is worse! If everything depends on me, I will be ready to die for peace in the world! It's loudly said, but after this dream, you're no longer thinking straight! Ugh...quietly... I can't...shake...quietly...quietly...quietly... I'd like to describe everything, but not many people will be able to live a normal life after that, but I'm coping somehow so far. It's all hard for me... The world cannot disappear! Can't it? Everything... quietly... you have to try to sleep... just a little bit... I don't know what will happen next... Nobody knows exactly... But we have to prevent a battle between Good and Evil. None of them should win! Everything is difficult... but I must! I have to fight! Nobody will get hurt! I will not let it happen! I won't let... Not on my watch! No! Now I'm going to try to sleep.

"Everything changes."

" Everything changes "

" Everything changes "

It was the old man's voice. Now his words begin to make sense. Everything is really starting to change. Soon everything will be different... But how exactly? No! You can't think about the bad! We have problems...definitely. That book, which was stolen from Max, must be found! You have to! Has it just been so valuable? What is there?

Why and why was it stolen? I don't know! But Max must know! But how can he ask about it? He thinks Snack stole the book! He doesn't like me either! Eh... It's hard... very... Just secrets! They have to be solved! Before it's too late...eh... I have the feeling that now it is one of the most difficult times in the history of defenders, but I can not say for sure. It will be necessary to read some books about all this. New knowledge is very necessary now. Eh...well...tomorrow...all tomorrow. Now it is time to sleep...

I wasn't sleeping well because of my nightmare again, even though it's been a week. What happened at that time? A lot of things, believe me. I tried to ask Max everything about his book, but he didn't want to talk about it. The last time we talked, we had a big fight. The guy blamed me for everything that happened, he said I stole the book and now I want to take advantage of it. That's great! I want to help, and I'm also being blamed! In the end, we almost beat each other up, but Luke saved me again. Thank him so much for that! He became my best and closest friend, and Emma and I had a fight, by the way, but I didn't hold a grudge against her. We're talking, but the girl is still mad at me because I supported Luke in one of their signature skirmishes, but he was actually right then! Eh... I wanted to talk to her about it, but it didn't work out. Everything I did in the camp and my relationship with people was derailed. Yeah...fun...I was just doing great! Eh...just more problems... But at least Snack fully understands me, without him, it would be difficult... I can say that there were some good events this week. I went to the library and found a bunch of all sorts of books that were connected to the defenders. I barely managed to get all this into my room, so I had to leave half the books in the library. So I hardly ever went outside, I was reading all the time, but I was able to learn a lot of new things. For example, the defenders were given the power of Good and Evil to prevent all sorts of clashes between them. Yes, the logic goes beyond ... to create defenders and now to fight with them ... idiocy... And they choose pairs according to the principle of compatibility: as friends or a couple. But how do you understand exactly what principle your pair is formed on? It is not written there. The defenders themselves are found simply: they observe people and notice the strongest in physical and spiritual terms. Element is distributed in the same way as the zodiac signs. This is understandable at least a little. The same tattoo is distributed by itself, it can not even change these two supreme powers. A person's belonging to the good or evil is determined with the help of character: evil more brutal and rough, and the good more soft and indecisive. Phoenixes become the strongest of all defenders. That's how it works. Next, most of the books were already about legends and attachments. There were a lot of things there: about defenders themselves, about monsters, fairies, about elements, about inhabitants of magic woods, about inhabitants of different dimensions, about the Good and Evil and so on. All this turned out to be very interesting, but I could not sit and read all day long. I had morning training with Matthew, where he taught me again, but now Rick and Britney were working with us as well. Eventually, they started to forget about me, but it didn't upset me. I had another opportunity to train: I was following Max again, and then I was trying to repeat everything he was doing. The guy doesn't even understand how much help he's giving me. My sword moves got a lot better, I learned to control my own strength for him. Now I'm getting things done. Except I'm working on my wear and tear, which is bad. I have to rest, but I can't. These nightmares don't let you relax, there are too many problems. If it weren't for Snack, I would have gone mad this week. So much has happened. Eh... Night training gave good results. I haven't heard from the elder all this time. It's strange... Also in the library, I managed to find books with spells, which I will need very much. Eh...well, I won't sleep again anyway, then I'll go for a walk, though not even five in the morning. Yes...early, but I'm used to it. Snack was still sleeping, let him sleep, I won't wake him up. I took my sword with me and went to the pond. The sun was just starting to rise, and the cool wind was blowing in my face, but I even liked it so much. Eh...how good...quiet...calm...beautiful...nobody interferes... I came to the field, but there was already one person. Eh...you are not looking for problems, so they will find you! Fun!
