He couldn't bear to see the horror and pain in her eyes. But the kickback required a way out. In the last month, he thought about getting another girl to give back to him, and Tesso left her as his mistress.
Except for the fear that had settled in her eyes, it was impossible to banish her, to smooth out the gentle caresses and gifts. For Tesso, he became a torturer and executioner forever.
And he just let her go. From Randu's castle, from his life, and from his heart. He sent her to his native village, along with a box of jewelry, with a heap of silk and brocade clothes.
Until the end of his days, Tesso would remember these months as a nightmare and thank God it was over. He, Arelato, became her demon tormentor.
Rochhi came to her place. She did not yield to the beauty of Tesso... but did not touch a single string in the heart of the Grand Master. Spilling the return in love caresses, Mark did not feel compassion or remorse for the fact that he had to do it with her. Only a slight pity, which did not prevent from getting rid of the kickback.
Rochhi is a temporary substitute until he gets Mirielle close. No more. But how will he get it? Now that unknown pests have taken away his only opportunity to force a fairy?
Seduce him with exquisite treatment, pleasant conversations, touch and feel? Mark saw how the girl reacts to him perfectly. I read her confused feelings. The fairy did not remain indifferent to her kidnapper. He fascinated her as well as all the women around him.
The night Doramon retreated, Mark entered her bedroom, in her bundle. Right after Rocha. Depleted and exhausted, he wanted to see how she felt. What he expected was that she would sleep peacefully on the floor, wrapped in Miriel's blanket. With a russo-redish, floor-scattered mop of hair.
He smiled against his will. And then magically brought back everything that had been tilted by the mountain's shaking under Doramon's attack. He found strength for this magical impulse - so he wanted to make at least such a trifle for his prisoner. He also did not remain indifferent to her.
Miriel was worried and worried about Mark Arelato. He liked to see her worry in his presence. He wanted this excitement to turn into an irresistible attraction and passion. So that the fairy's eyes sparkled with joy and desire when she looked at him.
Maybe the mysterious pests did him a favor by hiding the boy Dale and his parents Mirielle from Orshava? If he forced a fairy to give himself up, threatening to kill or maim her loved ones, how would she look at him?
She would have agreed. The goal would have been achieved. Mark had no doubt about it. She was too devoted to her family. Miriel would have given herself to him, tied herself to him for the rest of his life. And Mark Arelato was going to live a long time.
Will the long life of the Grand Master decorate the hatred of an immortal woman? Will her hatred be the same immortal?
Maybe he will achieve it without coercion? Will he be able to wait until the desired fruit itself falls into his palm? Will she be able to call him the Chosen One of her own free will?
Here, next to him, she can forget the groom. She hardly loves him for real, since she hasn't chosen him yet. This means that Mark has a chance. Unless... she won't fall in love with another man from the Order first. This must be prevented at all costs. She shouldn't see anyone but Arelato.
This way, pleasant and easy, had only one drawback. Time.
As long as Randu is locked up on the mountain under siege, Doramon continues to gain strength. And Mark only spends it. Will he live to the day when the fairy finally ripens to elect him? Will the Order survive?
Do not forget about the main goal. He ordered Orshava to bring a fairy with Remidei not for personal enjoyment. He could have left Tesso for this purpose. But he has a responsibility to Randu. He must keep the Order. And for that, Miriel must be in his bed. Voluntarily or under duress. It doesn't matter if she loves him or hates him. This will become Mark's personal problem. The interests and safety of the Order exceed personal problems.