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Lol Zorkix

Learn to fantasize and imagine


Joy is the feeling you want to share.

It can be a blog post or a text message to a friend. A six-meter street banner that tells the whole city the name of the most charming girl. The inscription on the bumper of the car: "Patriot of his country.

The joy of finding yourself has a different level of loudness. She is not shouted out in the street, not written in the form of a slogan on the fence. This is usually an introverted emotion.

How to come to joy

How do you get there? Use different techniques.

  1. Write down your fantasies. And in the fields of the diary to leave a place to indicate the dates when they became reality.
  2. Include self-analysis. Realize what prevents you from achieving heights.
  3. Change the environment. Get rid of the influence of talkative gossipers and sad slacks.
  4. To give up the idea of living a life according to someone else's ready-made template. That is, do not look for an idol and do not try to copy his luck. Everyone - his own.
  5. Listen to intuition. The voice of subconsciousness sounds infrequent and quiet, but pushes only to the good.

It is possible to make a rating of fantasies and to subject them to the rigid analysis. This can be done:

  • on paper: create a drawing, a map, a detailed drawing. Sometimes it visually suggests to see the ephemerality of one fantasy and viability of another.
  • in your head: let go of your imagination, imagine yourself as a superhero or president of the universe, and then abruptly erase it from your memory. It doesn't matter what to fantasize about. It is important to feel empowered and act;
  • with the help of a coin: its flipping is not a frivolous gesture, but a way to get a response from the subconscious. If the tail fell out and thought:
"Too bad, it would be better to eagle",

you should do as in the version with the eagle.

The main thing for any method of "acceleration" of the fantasy to concrete actions is a positive mood. Only then will life take a course of change for the better.

Secrets of ancient India

Rest and be happy,

advised all Sri Sathya Nathayan Goenka.

Until his death in 2013, he helped people to find themselves, to come to an understanding of their mission. It is not known how he treated fantasies because he required his students to act. To be more precise, only one action is to sit down.

С. N. Goenka taught vipassana technique. This is the work with the body, not the subconscious. But by learning to remove physical clips and move away from muscle tension, people become more relaxed in their fantasies and real life.

Special rules

There are special rules for these ten days of practice:

  1. Refrain from sexual activity, lying, tobacco and alcohol;
  2. Refuse cellular communication and the Internet;
  3. To keep the body, premises and mind clean;
  4. Do not try to write down or share your feelings with others;
  5. Keep an eye on your breathing through your nostrils at all times;
  6. Record feelings in the body, while trying not to react to them;
  7. Be kind to those around you.

Focus on breathing

Straight back and straight neck. This position seems simple, but maintaining it for an hour or so is quite difficult with unfamiliarity. At first you can use pillows and sit by the wall. The main thing is to focus on breathing. Let go of all thoughts. Do not scroll through the events of recent days in your head. Do not think about their complexes. Thoughts will still appear, but you need to treat them as a cloud in the sky: I see it, but it swims on, I do not need to stop at it.

To see things as they are

As the ancient Indians thought, vipassana allows you to see things as they are. Two and a half thousand years ago, it was thought to be a universal way to get rid of misfortunes. It is foolish to expect a ball of unresolved issues to unravel in ten days. But at least you will be able to find his central thread, pulling on which to get out of the maze of problems. It is not necessary to resort to this method. Choose your own option, which will be able to clear your head the way to the target, whatever it may be.

Don't think - do it!

Dreaming is not bad

Famous expression: many people have a fantasy that can be fulfilled until the end of the week, and they carry it with them for the rest of their lives. We all love to dream. It helps to distract, relax, calm down. But the person who made the fairy tale a reality feels the real pleasure. Perhaps it was possible because he did not spend any effort to come up with a happy set of his life. He just created them. Day after day, step by step.

Learning to live in the present

It's great when you can grab a thought and get it out of your head and into reality. Do not let your imagination carry you into a wonderful and impossible world. And make the fantasy work for its owner. One seems that he does not have the courage to do so. Others accuse themselves of inflexibility of thinking. But wise Goodwin will not come and give these properties. You have to act on your own. Get out of the dream world and learn to live in the present time.