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Andry's from the city on the Neva. Part 15.


Andri loved his city very much, and looking at the festive streets of the capital, he thought with pain that soon they may have to leave. Both their father and Alexander...

Terrible. It's just terrible. Still, we need to talk to his father again and explain to him that let the women go, and the only son should stay!

Andrew was tormented by these thoughts all the way, but Lisa did not seem to think about anything like that. She must have thought she would do it her own way anyway. On her way to the square, her sister was just not falling out of the cab, turning her head in all directions and trying to examine the holiday in detail. But Mom and Vlad sat with such faces as if they were going to the dentists instead of a carnival.

Suddenly Andri thought that maybe this is how maturity comes - with doubts and heavy thoughts, which hinder the joy of life and even make the holiday duller ...

- Andrik? - his father, sitting next to him, smiling, touched him by the shoulder. - Why are you so pegged? Didn't you and Lisa expect this holiday so passionately?

Andrew nodded, somehow turning his eyes away. He didn't know why it was so hard to face his beloved parent.

Maybe he didn't want to upset his father with his sadness?

- Everything is fine... - Andrew lied.

- Well, well! Don't hang your nose, captain! - his father drew him to himself and gently shaken him. - Look what a good day it is! You have to be happy with him... - and added quietly, so that he only heard Andri: "We should be glad that God gives you, son. What he gives today. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow, so enjoy it now. Remember it firmly!

Andri did not have time to answer anything - at this moment the pram got up, and the coachman said guilt fully that there were too many people on the street to go further "impossible".

It really was so. All the townspeople, both poor and wealthy, rushed to the holiday, the echoes of which had already been heard from the square.

- Let's get out! - Father commanded us to have fun and, having picked up the armpits of Lisa, who had squealed with joy, put her on the pavement. Looking at his sister's sparkling eyes, Andri remembered how a few years ago his father rolled him on his shoulders when they were all family members on the city holidays. Lisa was very young then, and she was left at home with a nanny.

- Come quickly! - My sister grabbed my mother's hand and, dancing on the spot, tried to carry her with her in the direction from where the music and cheerful exclamations of the artists sounded. - Come on, Mom, let's go!

But as soon as they got away from the crew, Vlad was upset and stared at herself. It turned out that she dropped the ring, which she liked to take off and spin in her fingers. However, bending over and looking for it on the dusty pavement was completely unbearable for her. Andri had to do it. Luckily, the ring was found almost immediately - it rolled into a wide gap between the two stones and sparkled with small sapphires. Andrew knew that this ring was a gift to Vladke for his adulthood. She cherished it very much.

He leaned over quickly to pick up the find, but at the same moment, another boy appeared next to him - a skinny teenager in a gray shirt ahead of Andrie by a fraction of a second and grabbed the ring first. His clinging dirty fingers even managed to hurt the palm of his professor's son, and the next minute the shaggy ragweed ran away.

Vlad shouted loudly, and his father shouted: "Wait!", and Andri himself, without a single sound, slipped out of place. Crushing the festively dressed townspeople, he rushed after the thief, trying not to lose sight of his slim figure. Someone outraged pushed Andri, someone he stepped on his own foot but did not even notice any of this, seized by the wild furious excitement of the chase.

Just a little more!

Just a couple more steps!

With all his might, he pushed back from the paving stone to the plague thief and fell to the ground, grabbing the hem of his fucking shirt. During the fall, this thin, dirty clothes finally cracked at the seams, and their fragments remained hanging from the boy's sharp shoulders. Andrew ridden the offender on horseback and still suffocating with indignation, he punched his fist on his gray cheek with his dust.

Only the next moment did he realize that it was the first time he had really hit another man. Not in a game, not a joke, but full of rage and anger...

But there was no time to think about it. The skinny thief was wriggling under Andrie, trying to turn around. I had to give him another good kick in the ear...

The boy was quietly whining, and Andri finally guessed to grab the thief's hand and try to clench his dirty fingers. A few minutes of desperate struggle, and the professor's son triumphantly clenched the ring taken from the enemy... To do this, he had to hit his stubborn opponent several times. And get a few weighted stabs in return. When Andri got up, his knuckles of his fingers were planted on his left hand and there was a decent ringing in his ear. Perhaps he should have called the city man, but Andri thought only of returning to the family as soon as possible.

Continuation in the next part of 16.