The year 1995 from the Nativity of Christ.
This year I remembered for the rest of my life. This year I was in trouble... I bought myself a car. It was called a "Moskvitch" car, model 408... He also had the gearshift handle under the steering wheel. Yes, he was a good guy: he wanted to go, he didn't want to go, he didn't want to go. Deaf, as usual, at the most inopportune moment. Sometimes I got the impression that he was alive: a kind of capricious grandfather who lived by his notions and principles, inaccessible to people. So he stalled one day at the most inopportune moment.
I went to the track after a trip to the village to see my acquaintances, I went from the adjoining crossroads. On the right side, as far as I could see, he could see, straight as an arrow of the highway, stretched among numerous untidy, sometimes just abandoned fields.
Somewhere in the distance, the wall of dark green forests protected them from the far horizon. The invisible Russia... It is immediately clear where the breadth of the Russian soul comes from. This is not Europe with its microscopic well-groomed fields and parks ... But on the left, not farther than a hundred or two hundred meters from the intersection, was a very steep pea, and if someone dashing, hot jumps out of this high hill, it is better not to stand in his way.
Therefore, before I went to the crossroads, I, as a respectable driver, looked around. For me here is a sign of "give in", and I stand, wait, give in. On the left, on a small hill - no one. On the right, a passenger car (an old "ointment") is not too far away, not in a hurry. When the car came closer, I noticed that I was driving a sedate woman in her years. Having clung to the steering wheel with both steady hands, she looked only right in front of her. I immediately realized why her car was going so slowly.
Waiting for the "Mazda" to crawl through almost the entire intersection, I followed her to the road to immediately turn left. But the car suddenly sneezed, a second or two later it stalled and stopped in front of me like it was stuck in a wall. Unexpectedly, for me, the foreign car stopped right in the middle of the flat road. And, either because of my inexperience, I stopped too hard, or I forgot to squeeze out the clutch, or my machine showed me its hole, as always at a bad time, but my car also stalled right in the middle of the track. As a result, our cars completely covered the entire roadway: no one to pass, no one to bypass. God forbid, somebody is going to fly out of the peas now. One hundred meters away from it all.
I probably shouldn't have thought about it. Thoughts sometimes materialize. Very often it happens like this: what you are waiting for, it usually comes true. And it didn't take a second, a big black truck flies out of the sticks. And behind the wheel of the truck is a young guy with deafened eyes. The woman saw him as well as petrified in her car. And to me, only I saw an unexpected truck, it seemed that it was not going, but flying. For a moment, I even thought that Death herself was flying at me with her black wings spread out - a huge ominous blackbird, more and more overwhelming the sky.
This bird in an instant eclipsed all the white light. You'll see that! Or maybe it just got so dark in my eyes with fear. Extremely thin, and at such a moment can see anything. For a fraction of a second, my eyes were closed by fear, and when I was able to open them, with the last effort of my lost will, I was still being held up by a monster truck with a sinister grin all over the grill. How long does it take a truck to get through these hundred meters? Two or three seconds? And then? Then he will just crush with his weight and speed so not in time stalled old willful "Moskvitch" ... crush with me ...
I look at this black monster and understand everything! And this monster laughs so badly at me: "Now I'm going to kiss you, dearie, it won't seem enough. Though I repeat, at such moment anything can be dreamed up. Extremely acute and unpleasant feelings! What happens to a normal person in such a situation? He has a stupor, immediately turning into a shock state. And the shock? Who has not experienced what it is, will not understand...
The truck grew like a rock, but slower and slower. The last-second was an eternity. In one such moment, a person has time to see at once, the whole colorful film of the most interesting events of his life...
So I, too, probably, from somewhere in my subconscious, came up confused, unrelated episodes from life. Mom's titty, which I grabbed with my chubby baby hands and didn't want to let go. The first kiss, an inefficient, sweet, hitting in the head, is a hundred times stronger than the purest 96-degree alcohol. Some more colored pictures...
And then the truck hit the Moskvitch, hit the driver's door... The left hand-cracked and the broken bones began to tear the skin, muscles, bare flesh. The chest, unable to withstand the incredible power of the blow, crumpled like a balloon, and then, turning all the ribs in different directions, began to tear the lungs and heart into small pieces. The pain didn't come at once, but when she came, burning and unbearable, she immediately appeared everywhere, in every cell of the body. Because of the acute, furious pain, her mouth opened in a silent scream. And there was nothing to shout: the lungs were crushed, and even to make the last breath for the last cry was impossible. The light was darkened, and in total darkness, there was only one inhuman pain left.
- God for what? - It wasn't even a thought, it was just an echo of a thought...
To be continued in the next episode.