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Еxciting stories

The Green Power of Youth! Part 14

September 1, 1992, Hogwarts Express

- Lockhart-sensei is a skilled magician! - said Gaius, looking through Gilderoy's books.

The portrait on the cover of the portrait threw in and took a proud pose, and Hermione languidly sighed. Sitting next to Susan Bones, puffy and blushing, also sighed and shaken with curls. Gaius noticed how both students of Hafflepuff's faculty were eating with the eyes of the book Gilderoi, and smiled imperceptibly. Neville's words about having many children were not in vain!

- It will be necessary to ask him for additional lessons! - He continued, and added, remembering his own experience from the world of shinobi. - Skillful coach - it's very important! Here was Splinter for ninja turtles, and look what a great team they have become!

- Who had them? - Simultaneously, Ron and Neville asked, interrupting the discussion on the terms of the competition for "the biggest father with many children".

- You haven't seen this movie? Oh, don't worry, now I'll tell you everything! - Gaius was inspired and started to tell the story about the brave ninja turtles and their mentor rat, Splinter.

By the end of the trip, the company had unanimously decided that Harry would be Leonardo, Ron would be Raphael, Neville would be Michelangelo and Hermione would be Donatello. The question with Splinter remained open, but Harry assured everyone that he would convince Gilderoy Lockhart, and if he could not, he would run around Hogwarts five hundred times and find another Sensei, burning with youth and experience!

3 September 1992, Hogwarts, Quidditch Field

Cedric Diggory, a fifth-year student, doubted Guy and his team.

- You see, I just became captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team," he said.

- Congratulations, Cedric Sempai," Harry bowed.

- You see, the team consists of seven people," explained Cedric, "and if you are accepted as the fourth, you want to play Quidditch together?

- We are a team that burns with the Force of Youth! - Gaius exclaimed, throwing his hand up.

- I know five hundred pounds and tricks and tricks, and I can get a dwarf into the ring from a distance of thirty meters! - Ron screamed.

- A gnome? - Cedric asked him in bewilderment.

- And I... and I," Neville's voice fell, "can swell up, so I'm not afraid of falling!

- The technique of Falling Toad is very good! - encouraged him, Harry.

- And I read forty books about Quidditch, and I realized that I do not want to play it, - said Hermione suddenly.

She looked at the rest of the crowd and said, "It's her fault," she said:

- I'm sorry, I know it's not young at all...

- No!" Harry shouted, throwing his hand to heaven. - You did good, Hermione! In order not to let the team down in the thick of battle, you stepped over yourself! I am proud of you!

Ron and Neville also shouted something approving, Hermione overreacted, and Cedric scratched his chin bewildered. He was impressed with the idea of getting such energetic and enthusiastic players into the team, but... The second course?

- Okay, I'll tell you straight away," Diggory sighed.

- That's right, Cedric-Sempai! - Harry shouted at once.

- You lack experience, not to mention accepting you, I need to remove half of the team.

- You're right, Cedric-Sempai," Harry bowed again, "that would be wrong and unfair, but it's beautiful! So, we have to surpass the other players in Quidditch!

He turned to the others. Hermione looked away guilty, Jeannie stood aside, Ron and Neville flashed enthusiastically and nodded, looking at each other with cunning smirks.

- But there were only three of us...," Harry thought.

- Four of us! - Ginny squeaked unexpectedly.

- It's beautiful! - Gaius announced as he posed as the Good Guy. - Hermione will be our coach, she has read so many Quidditch books and knows everything! We will be a team! True, there are only four of us anyway, but it won't be an obstacle, because there are no barriers for the one in whom Youth burns!

- We will fight with equal squads," said Cedric, who had already had an idea in his head. - You have a year to train and find out who is good at what and who is suitable for that role. After the start of the next academic year, you will fight with the Hufflepuff team, four by four, and the better one will be in the main squad and the rest will form a reserve.

Then he shut up, staring behind Harry's back. Judging by the sounds, another team was approaching, but it was logical to use the Quidditch field for Quidditch training, so Gaius did not give any importance to the appearance of more people.

- Great! - He approved it. - This will encourage us to try harder, to fly even better and faster!

- Don`t try, - we jumped from behind, - you won`t catch up with us anyway!

Harry turned around and found Slytherin's team there. They were holding new brooms painted in the colors of the faculty: green and silver. Slytherin's captain, Markus Flint, who spoke, looked up and said, pulling out his hand with a broom.

- This is Nimbus 2001, the fastest broom in the world! And our whole team, thanks to Mr. Malfoy's generosity, is now on these brooms! So we will not be caught up! Not you, not Ravenclaw, not to mention Gryffindor! Right, Draco?

To be continued...
