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Chapter 2



Not everything Zorro has in his mask

...it hasn't been an hour, the commissioner's here,
untied the horse and took the wife away...


The ghost was expecting a prank from Christine, but that he wouldn't even have time to reach the lever and cover his escape with the fall of the chandelier, - no. And the fall itself turned out to be uncomfortable, not according to the script, some early as if the boards on the platform rotten through. The phantom, as soon as he regained consciousness, rose quickly... What the hell?! He wasn't in the basement, he was outside, and he wasn't in town. A veranda wrapped in green, the graveled path disappears somewhere in the hilly, windy plain? A sultry evening wasn't even a dream. Oh, the head... What else do we have from the mosaic?

In the distance the soldiers with guns, the dark silhouette of the horse at the porch, incredible floral smell and half-brown dark girl, who beggingly pulls his hand.

- Oh, why did you jump off the roof, sir, it's also so high? Are you hurt? More likely, the Colonel's men are coming here. Where are your weapons? Ah, I will find it, no matter, run!

He staggered for a minute on his heels, trying to define reality. The persistent lady who managed to drag him, persuade him and hug him at the same time was a strong obstacle.

- Signor, I beg you, download in full strength, the colonel ordered to take you alive or dead.

Oh, these are familiar words, it sounds like the truth. And the worried beauty pushed him to the horse. There is a zone, especially since the terrain is open, there are no other ways to escape yet. The phantom sat down on the saddle in a purely automatic way - and the world without any magic ran past, as in a kaleidoscope.

"The white-horned nichrenazhskudkutotov bite," was the first panic thought.

- Goodbye, sir," whispered Ortencia, excited, correcting the shawl... He fell from such a height - and is alive, not otherwise a mystic! But he was noticeably stunned, so what difference does it make if he was a man, even if he really was a spirit of local beliefs!

"Stop being crazy and hate the hardy, hardy growth of your swinging..."

Ortencia, holding her hands to her chest, watched as her hero slowly withdrew. Elegant raven under it was a light manege gallop - ah, reckless courage, do not need to show off in front of me, rather, hide from the guards, well, what are you so weaving, dear ...

"Azka's sour tone to your granddaughter's liver was so faded, it was slower..."

The fugitives were caught up with the soldiers in the dust, sparing their horses. The heart of the swarthy woman was torn with admiration and fear. Looking far away, Ortencia noticed how, just before the crevice, a lonely rider cleverly rushed to the side, into a thorny, thick bush, and the raven flew into a narrow aisle alone, without a sedentary, but in the heat of the chase pursuers missed a bold maneuver.

- Ah," the girl broke out.

In the same place, half a meter to the right - and no bones to collect. What tenacity, what reaction, what disregard for death... That's why he held on to the horse, cleverly invented! All the chase will come out of the crevice until they understand that the horse without a sedentary until they figure it out - lost time and... Zorro is lost! Ortencia even laughed and slammed her hands.

"She did, after all, throw away, the creature is lumpy. Fuh, there's time to lie down and think about what's going on.

Hanging on one hand over a cliff worried him about jumping over the scenery of the Phantom much less than a cheerful horseback ride on a rocky wasteland. But they didn't let us think about it. A cheerful boy's face came out of the neighboring bush. The wide smile on his shiny dark skin was so contagious that the Ghost could not help but smile back.

- Chico knew you'd do that, Zorro! Chico saw it all and knew you'd cheat on those fools, yo, gay! I wasn't scared at all when you were jumping off the roof! Come on, Father wanted to talk to you.

The ghost wasn't ready for the padre at all, but he was in dire need of information. Most of the information came from people you could torture, blackmail, scare, strangle, and so on - but doing it all with a little black kid who was also so stunningly friendly, Phantom didn't want to. However, having looked into the honest and kind eyes of the Padre, he would have been depressed if he hadn't been so inclined to manipulate of various kinds from nature. Two hours of leisurely conversation drew before him a brilliant and marvelous picture of olive oil on goat cheese - any Parisian novelist would eat a barrel of ink for breakfast, let him plunge into the theme. There was romance, and the main villain, and cunning tricks with dressing up in another person, and assassination, and poisoning, and other tempting things. The role of a noble avenger, however, a few stings in the shoulders and pulled at the seam: Phantom terribly uncomfortable felt in this strange atmosphere of adoration and trust. And most importantly, how he came to be here and how to get back to his place - the Opera was underestimated, Raoul underestimated, did not show everyone, Christine did not explain, and so on.

Perfectionism called for. But no less insistently crying out for him in the hope of children's and adults' eyes - blue, chocolate, green - and remembering the sincere caring eyes of a dark savior in a white blouse ... "Did you hurt yourself? Are you in pain?" Yes, he was sometimes more swayed from the top, but at least someone would ask him: "Eric, are you in pain? Sweetie, you're tired of chasing after that drunk Buquet, and you must have overstretched your ligaments to strangle that carcass... Want some tea?" Little things. And here, we had coffee, scones, clothes and hands, laughing and talking. The phantom was nailed down by a dusty bag and for some reason, he was afraid not to justify his trust. Yeah, he's in a different role, so let's just say it's a role, and the role is a theater. And the theatre is my territory. Who is to be moved into the extras here, we are the ones to be built in a moment! On a disposition now it was supposed to go to a residence of the governor, but here only one quote: the governor did not carry a mask. Something must be invented urgently.

to be continued .....