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The oak branch

"Let"s pretend I"m a cat, shall we? " Each new step is softer and more careful, just with your fingers. I found a place on the stairs that the squeaking tree hasn't even noticed. The old stairs were overtaken. The teacher went to the library without waking the cat. It was very flattering to think that, at least. The morning broke into the house a few hours ago and tried to remain silent.

A shy light hit Lara`s nose and recognized her as an accomplice and a person with the same opinion. He explored the spacious room, ironed the wooden surfaces of cabinets and tree trunks, looked surprised at the chandelier in a set of orange-yellow glasses and drawings with dragons and winged fish on the walls. How much was there in the large library for a little curious light! "And when did I start thinking like Anna? In this house, they really believe that everything around their lives. The clock looks at me like I"m an idiot. It was transparent and watercolor, slightly glazed and sunny, this unexpectedly sleepy morning world.

The room was shocked by the fresh wind, and the birds were talking outside the window. "Sixteen years", she remembered that she was catching up by thinking, "For two weeks I won't hear that nightmare crack from an alarm clock - someone is pinching me! I"ll spend half my life there! I have slept. ... For a man who was on the road all day yesterday and didn't sleep well, she felt surprisingly alert. Assuming that her friends are normal people and therefore have to spend the next two hours alone, Lara pointed her feet to the nearest bookcase. Beryl"s diaper mat had been pierced like snow under bare feet. All the names in the multicolored parts were revealed in English. "Well, let"s see what I"ve been through. ... Anna, however, must have been trained in home literature. What do we have here, Chesterton?

- Between the pages, however, there were layers of paper with particularly frightening translations of drawings, and the notes grew close to the margin. Anja had distorted handwriting that inspired her thoughts about elf letters. It is true that it is far from calligraphic - small and in some places unreadable - but Lara was once prepared to dismantle it. Otherwise, with whom would she write her homework? "Napoleon de Nottingham. ... This crazy, lively and fully philosophical book was very much in the spirit of Anna.

And what she loved, she read and finally fell in love with all three - that was her little world. In the kitchen they found smells. Raspberry, hibiscus, cinnamon, mint. ... It was crowded and shitty here, the walls were covered with large and small doors, and it seemed that some of them would definitely lead to Wonderland. The teacher loved warmth, bright colors and all that was furious about life did not like something like this, colorful place. And this house was one of them. Soon there was a Jezza, but with the coffee itself, which the cruel thirst brought him here, things were ambiguous. The nose suggested that the things we were looking for were close by.

The eyes ran away. I think they surrendered. The only thing missing was a boiler. Lara stayed in a chair and opened the first locker. Dry apples. The pessimistic search continued: a collection of teas, sachets of spices, honey, lemon, milk chocolate, a box of biscuits, again spices, thistle jam, "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"..... oh! It seems to be. .... and, no, a jar labeled "Black Card" - oatmeal... "The old gods, I found it! " In the cezve with an easy hand there was pepper, cinnamon, and cloves. The teacher didn't think much about the amount and proportions of it, because coffee is considered an art field, collapses, and beautiful accidents happen, foreseen by eternity. When she thought about it, she threw more ground ginger, flooded it and put it on a slow fire. The adventure began.

For a few minutes she moved the water, singing "Mein lieber Augustine", and then smiled: foam began to form on the surface. His favorite place. ... "In the game! Lara kept her eyes wide open from the budding action, climbing up like a panther before she jumped and got ready for the moment the smell of coffee lava ran to the burner. It only takes a second to decide with the shield or on the shield. "Here it is! It was something in the spirit of the eternal battle: every morning the coffee tries to escape and every morning Lara stops the escape. Her hand ran to the switch.

The teacher breathed with relief, took the cezva out of the stove and made of the contents of the cezva a high red glass, without removing the foam. Luckily with herself, she jumped with her feet on the windowsill. An oak branch was stuck in her eye, and Lara almost fell out of the open window when she walked away.