- The demon of remorse will come to you again. And more than once. When you are an adult. But don't be afraid, grown-ups can't cope with him either.
And Chiingiyaha's aunt went to bed again. And Mergiona was lying there thinking. She told her aunt everything. Well, almost everything. She was afraid to ask about something. She, Mergiona Pager, was afraid of everything that moved. One demon who came before the demon of Repentance seemed to be no better than that last one who made her scold so much. And this demon...
The whispering of the inner voice was much quieter than before. In the ear, very close, and Mergione was even colder.
- Sen or Porrie?
The question had a lot of meaning and it made my head spin. But there was one point, which had long been as accurate as a heel to the forehead, the answer. Porrie. And only Porrie.
- And if so, why didn't you take it with you? I made it up: my personal file, my personal file...
It was really her own business. And Porrie and Sen have nothing to do here. She'll just find the Cups, just save Dad, and...
- And Porrie's probably gonna be offended. He thought you trusted him. He always helps you. Who made you a ninja?
- Trinity and turtles... - Mergie whispered in silence.
But she lied, she lied brazenly. Porrie. Porrie and his cassettes. Who else could give her such advice, who spent with her in the teacher's night before the sorcerer? She remembered it well - she watched, holding her breath, and he slept next to her. It was peaceful, her hair broke... Mergion clenched her fists in the dark. A fool. What kind of a fool is she?
- And he had half a Perverts of girls left there. Amelie's out. Did you see her skin? What about her hair? And lives in the same room with you, he probably didn't notice...
Mergion's turned over to the other side. The voice did not lag behind. And gradually Pager began to get even angrier. Pulen, come to think of it. Frenchwoman. She could be hit by a dragon panda... Mergie shook her head. What is she? Amelie loves Professor Harley. Amelie is a friend. And Porrie... and Porrie is a friend. Mergion went into her pocket and squeezed the nut with her fingers. And as soon as she didn't lose it? I'll have to steal a couple more just in case she comes back.
- I have you alone. I mean alone.
And Mergia smiled weakly without opening her eyes.
In the morning, she made up her mind. She went up to the aunt who was feeding the rams and asked carefully:
- Aunt Chingy, what's the name of the demon that only makes you think about one person all the time?
My aunt looked at her very carefully. Then her eyes narrowed and her lips smiled cunningly:
- Isn't it a little early?
Mergia suddenly felt he was blushing, and to hide it, she quickly made a handstand. But Chiingiyaha kept her eyes on everything:
- Ay, yes, Mergi...
- So how's that? - Having decided that now the blush will look quite usual, Pager got back on her feet and started to correct her hair. The aunt shook her head:
- A demon of jealousy, my dear. And he's different from the others. Because you can never catch him.
They were standing on the roof of Pervers and feeding Carrot with sugar. The camel seemed to be purring silently with happiness, and Gutter once again thought that this huge fluffy lump of absolute power was strange: he could conjure up a mountain of sugar, turn it into a frozen ice rink, and instead rejoice at the little pieces that brought Porrie and Mergie.
Mergion stood at the edge of the roof and let the wind play with her hair. Porrie smiled unwittingly: they became as fiery as before, and it wasn't about magic at all. Probably. At least, he wanted to think so.
- Professor Mordevolt was here again... Poor Yugorus.
- He was an oddball after all. All these birds on his shoulders... Should some goose or peacock confess his love for him?
Mergion turned her head a little bit.
- But he's a good one. And Modevolt is actually stale, he only likes his stupid inventions.
Gutter, a little offended, looked at Carrot. The camel kept an unshakable calm. He was sniffing around Porrie's hand, and the only thing that seemed to interest him now was the presence of sugar crumbs there. Not in love or in love with Mordevolt. Butter sighed and said:
- I also like "stupid inventors". Some of them...
- Gutter, come on. I'm not talking about that. You still love more than them, don't you?
Porrie smiled:
- Not only that.
Apparently, Mergione was fed up with the wind, and she started stabbing her hair. But Butter kept looking at her and thinking about "stupid inventors," Luzhzha, and Carrot... anything. He was calm: Mergion didn't run away, Mergion didn't turn away, Mergion didn't cry. True, instead, she broke through three brick walls with her forehead and laid rows of knocked-out Arnolds, but all of them had their hobbies. There was something else, though, that Porrie's tongue was spinning and he didn't dare to ask. Mergie looked back.
- Why didn't you call Seine? - Butter stroked the camel's nose.
Mergion shrugged her shoulders indefinitely. Porrie smiled:
- Your personal business? You've had a lot of them lately.
Suddenly, Mergion came closer. She reached out for the last cube of sugar to the camel, then took Gutter by the hand:
- Not mine. It was ours.
At first, he felt caught in a grip, though his fingers were clutching his hand very shyly. Mergia smiled again, keeping an eye on him - a red strand was curling on his forehead. Porrie smiled back and also took a step towards it. He pulled back the lock. When Mergie reached for his lips, he closed his eyes first.