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New TV shows of Spring 2019. Part 2

The Name of Rose - a mini-series based on what is probably the most popular intellectual detective Umberto Echo about a series of mysterious murders in the Benedictine monastery of the XIV century. Italy. 1327. Franciscan monk Wilhelm of Baskerville and his student Adson von Melk arrive at a secluded monastery in the Alps. Soon, in the monastery mysteriously begin to die novices, one by one, under very strange circumstances. William and Adson take up the investigation of these mysterious deaths, but the ruthless inquisitor Bernard Guy will do everything to prevent them from doing so. And, as we know from history, the inquisition of jokes is bad.

Er, it's not easy to give a short assessment of this screening. There are pluses and minuses in the picture. I'll try to arrange the "shelves" and see what outweighs).


Plot (+/--/?).

Those who read the work will agree with me - the novel "The Name of the Roses" is not easy and entertaining. The plot is more than complicated. Therefore, I was wondering how the writers will be able to "embrace the immensity" and not get confused, and we are not confused. The authors went down a beaten track. They singled out the main thing and did not get into the maze. They singled out three main storylines - the confrontation of the Orders, detective and (suddenly, out of nowhere) love. We have to give them credit, they managed the first two "lines", but a little bit smeared the final investigation, but in general ... they did it. Although it seemed that the plot was not only "facilitated", but also simplified (or was it just me?). But, everything was brought to a logical end, and for this, they have a great reputation!

But with the love "branch", which was a complete surprise to me, screwed up completely. I'll start by saying that friendship with elements of sex between Adson and forest "nymphs" was shown in such "slow pink" tones that it ceased to resemble a sinful connection between a young novice and a hungry girl who would do anything for a meal. Well, such unearthly love was drawn, dear mother! I'm afraid it will not be easy for Hadson to beg for such a "sin".) I have read a book for a long time, maybe I have forgotten something, but kill me, I do not remember in the novel of sublime, all-embracing love.

But that is not even the main thing. A young man had a crush on a girl in a TV show, wouldn't you think, who can't? More bewilderment caused another female character. Tell me, where did the young avenger come from? Little Robber in the novel was definitely not there, or should I go to the "shrink"?) I remember the monks, the inquisitor was, the representatives of the Order of the Plus, discerning William and his student Adson are not even discussed, but Robin Hood was not in the skirt). I can't say she disrupted the course of events and somehow interfered with the story, but I didn't understand the "story load" of this character. Maybe that's why the writers crumpled a little at the finish of the detective component because a little carried away by the "hot thing" with a sword in his hands?) In general, the ladies made a slight confusion in the picture and caused a lot of doubts.

But, according to the tabloids - the script of the series approved by Umberto Echo himself. In life, he was extremely uncooperative and categorically rejected all the proposals of film studios to transfer his creations on the screen. And here he gave goodwill. So, it is not for us to argue with the master and doubt his decisions. But we can be nagging).

Actors (+/-).

Many censors, comparing the actors who played Wilhelm of Baskerville (Sean Connery /1986, John Turturro /2019/), leaned toward Sean Connery (The Highlander, Rock). And it seems to me that both of them managed the role brilliantly. William performed by John Turturro (Transformers, one night) is very convincing. Handsome Rupert Everett (wedding best friend, perfect husband) perfectly transformed on the screen in the relentless, ruthless, "disgusting" inquisitor Bernard Guy. And more good words to say about no one. The abbot played by Michael Emerson (Staying Alive) reminded me of Harold Finch from Person of Interest, and this is not good. About young Damian Hardung as Aadson, I will politely keep quiet (how did he even cast?).

Shooting (+).

I will not pick on anything. The sets are good. One library that only costs.

I won't count the pros and cons, and so everything is clear. While I was writing the review, it occurred to me here, I think, I think, I think, I think. Umberto Echo approved the script, but would he approve the final result? It's a pity we won't find out any more. It would be interesting to hear the maestro's opinion - was the new screen version of the money spent (30 million European rubles) and human resources worth it, or was it not worth it?

At one time, the novel "The Name of the Roses" made an indelible impression on me, something like I expected from the series. I won't say I'm disappointed, but I don't want to squeal either. It turned out to be an expensive, "Nichotas" movie, and I would like a masterpiece.

Country: Italy, Germany.

Rating: 7.1.

Year: 2019.

To be continued...

Part 3: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5d7bb23278125e00ad8d367a/new-tv-shows-of-spring-2019-part-3-5d94e57179c26e00af411339