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Stories around the world

The Little Prince, Chapters 17-19


  • When people want to say something witty, it may be less true.In telling you about the lighting man, I'm not so faithful, and probably give a false notion to people who don't understand our planet.On earth, people are very small.If the two billion inhabitants of the Earth were standing together, and as close as they were to the assembly, they could stand calmly in a square twenty miles square.That is to say, the entire human population could be concentrated on one of the smallest islands in the Pacific.
  • Of course, the adults will not believe you.They thought they were going to be big, and they looked at themselves as big as the baobabs.You can advise them to calculate.This will make them very happy, because they really like the number of words.But you don't have to waste time doing this tedious calculation.This is not necessary.You can trust me completely.
  • The little prince came to earth very strange, he did not see a person, he is worried that he ran the wrong planet.At this time, in the sand there is a moonlight in the circle creeping.

The little prince said casually, without any certainty: "good night.”

"Good night."Said the snake.
"What planet do I fall on?The little prince asked.
"On Earth, in Africa."Replied The Serpent.
"Ah!…... What, is there no one on Earth?”
"This is the desert, no one in the desert.The Earth is big."Said the serpent.
The little prince sat on a rock, looked up at the sky, said:

"I wondered if the stars were shining so that everyone could someday find their own planet again.Look, my planet.It just happened to be on top of us ... but it was so far away from us!”

"It's beautiful."Said the serpent," what are you doing here?”
"I had a fight with a flower."Said The Little Prince.
"Ah!"Said the snake.
So they all fell silent.

"Where are the people?The little prince finally opened his mouth again."In the desert, it's lonely.……”

"When it comes to people, it's just as lonely," he said."Said the serpent.

The little prince looked at the snake for a long time.

"You are a strange animal, as thin as a finger.............The little prince finally said.

But I am more powerful than a king's finger."Said the snake.

The little prince smiled and said:

"You are not so powerful......you have no foot...... you can not even travel……”

"I can take you far away, far away from where a boat can go."Said the snake.

The snake was tied to the Little Prince's ankle like a gold bracelet.

"The man I touched, I sent him back to his home."Said the serpent," but you are pure and from another planet……”

The little prince answered nothing.

"On this granite earth, you are so weak, I pity you.If you miss your planet so much, then I can help you.I can.……”

"Ah!I know exactly what you mean."Said the little prince." but why do you always talk like a riddle?”

"I can solve these riddles."Said the serpent.

And they were silent again.


  • The Little Prince crossed the desert.He saw only one flower, a flower with three petals, a very inconspicuous flower……

"Hello."Said The Little Prince.
"Hello."Said the flower.
"Where are the people?The little prince asked politely.
One day, Flowers saw a caravan of camels passing by:

"People?I think there were about six or seven people,and I saw them a few years ago.But never knew where to look for them.The wind blew them everywhere.They do not have roots, which is very inconvenient for them.”

"Good-bye," he said."Said The Little Prince.
"Good-bye."Said the flower.


  • The Little Prince climbed a mountain.The mountain he had seen in the past was that of the three volcanoes that were so high up in his knees, and he used the quenched volcano as a stool.The little prince said to himself: "from such a high mountain, I can see the whole planet at a glance, and all the people.But all he saw was some very sharp cliffs.

"Hello."Asked the Little Prince, tentatively.
"Hello ... hello ... hello ..." replied The Echo.
"Who are you people?"Asked the Little Prince.
"Who are you ... who are you ... who are you ... who are you ..." replies another.
"Please be my friend, I am lonely."He said.
"I'm lonely...... I'm lonely...... I'm lonely......."

The Little Prince thought, " this planet is Strange!It was all dry, and sharp, and salty, with no imagination at all.They just repeat what others say to them...in my hometown, I have a flower.She always speaks first.……”