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In the animal world

Take a horse or a donkey ... what is there to know?

Take a horse or a donkey ...  what is there to know?
Take a horse or a donkey ... what is there to know?

If you are lucky enough to live in the countryside and have land at your disposal, you can buy the so-called “horse dog”, which can be found in your house.

Dr. Andrea M. Brignolo

However, the private detention of these animals is somewhat more complicated than that of traditional domestic animals, not only on obvious logistical issues, but also on ethological and legislative issues. In fact, even in our house we are considered “holders” just like a horse breeder or a professional.

Specific needs

Let's deepen the topic so as not to create problems for animals and ourselves. First of all, it is desirable to know the physiological and ethological needs of horses, taking into account the differences between horses and donkeys. They are both social animals, and, above all, in the absence of the ability to communicate with them a lot, they should always be taken in pairs, even mixed ones, avoiding entire male subjects. The goats often used in these cases are certainly better than nothing, but they represent for them as much as a teddy bear for our children: much better than a real companion.


Our friends need places where they can move freely and where they should be kept most of the time. The land should be predominantly flat for horses, even moderately steep for donkeys, and a shelter must be provided that is closed on at least three sides, as required by veterinary services, which must take into account the rules and guidelines before allowing you. Please note that these readings are not equivalent to a building permit, which should always be requested from the city for any installation, even, it would seem, temporary and “light”. The enclosures must be reliable (especially for donkeys!) And the environment is free from dangers, potholes, or objects or surfaces that could damage them.


How to feed them

Horses are herbivorous monogastrics and have a physiological need for food most of the time (in the wild, up to 15 hours a day). Therefore, they must have access to hay or grass or feed frequently. Other foods should be introduced in moderation, and the donkey needs a more sober and fiber-rich diet. Water should always be clean and available in large quantities. For this and other specific aspects of management, you will find a horse veterinary expert who will provide you with all the necessary organizational and preventive instructions.


The possession of Equidae, even one, is governed by a series of laws that the owner is required to know. Contact the ASL Veterinary Service to obtain the stall code after inspection and before delivering the animals. In addition, each horse older than 6 months must be presented with an identification document with an appropriate identification or signal card, and it must be registered in the horses database (Anagrafe). Be careful when buying a horse or donkey that has this official document, which, among other things, must indicate the result of the exam, which must be passed to all horses over the age of 1 year (the so-called Coggins test, valid for 1 or 3 years depending on the region of origin). Since horses are also bred for human consumption (Equidae DPA-Tab.1), the booklet must be transcribed if you want to permanently exclude this possibility (Equidae NON-DPA-Tab.2).


The final burden will be the acquisition of the Loading and Unloading Horse Register (often provided by the veterinary services themselves) to mark any introduction or transfer of other items, and the Pharmacological Treatment Register for DPA horses. When you buy or sell a horse, you must, as in the case of a car, transfer ownership of the Provincial Breeders Association or any organization that manages the register of a particular breed. For processing, it is always necessary to fill out a supporting document and destination called Model 4. Many of these registers and forms are now available in electronic format. Other details can be requested from the competent veterinary services, remembering that the rules have changed over the years.

Always ready

Horses have special needs, they also indicate a state of physical or mental illness, often unobvious and intuitive. Therefore, always monitor the status of your friends: with little experience and with the help of competent people, over time you will be able to take care of them in the best way and fully enjoy their company.