The year 1997 from the Nativity of Christ.
Victor Petrovich sat at the table in his office of the director of the security company "Kondor". The office is cozy, spacious and light. The furniture is not a standard office cheap, but made of real oak, as if it spoke about the reliability of the office. In the far corner of the office, there were two massive leather armchairs specially selected for the color of the furniture, a small glass table between them and an impressive minibar along the wall, all together they outlined the "working area" for the reception of guests. Even very noble clients could be accepted quite decently. In secret, the director was very proud of his office.
The day was over. Everything was quiet and calm, almost boring. So only planned events. Today, nobody called did not complain about where they came from, problems... Well, yes, and okay! Well, that's good! Money for security is "dripping" properly, there is quite enough for life, even with an excess. It is possible to tell with confidence: life was successful. And Viktor Petrovich did not regret that he left his organs anymore. Thanks to his old police connections, he was always aware of his charges and always had time to solve his own and someone else's problems.
Besides, there is no way to get anywhere with a lot of experience: any incomprehensible situation was calculated "once". He used to be a good operative. If it wasn't for the circumstances, maybe he would have become a general already. Of course, it was his own fault that one day he had to quit his job. I was overbending and more than once with my powers. Oh, how hard it is to resist when you have power in your hands. So he had to leave once. Thanks to General Ivanov Anton Leonidovich for helping me then. Without his help, I could have gone to prison for ten years.
After leaving his organs, Viktor Petrovich quickly found his bearings in life. He took a couple of his subordinates, who also had problems at work, together gathered from the former "cops" the team, the general planted money to settle down, and that's all: the company is ready. Build your happy future.
However, only the honor of the officer, sometimes still woke up sometimes, dripping on the brains. Wrong, so it is impossible, it is necessary, obliged and other things, other things ... It is difficult, it is difficult to struggle with it, but life is a life, it was necessary to shove it where farther away each time. Not to her now, the times are not the same. Now it's like: either you or you...
It used to be, all people knew and understood what an honor it was. Three hundred Greeks-Sartans knew, our Russian princes and merchants knew, white officers and real communists knew... Many people, noble or simple, knew, even if they couldn't match it. And now... What is it, you can only read in the explanatory dictionary - now it's only an anachronism, which is incomprehensible for everybody... In fact, everything in life is simple: either you have honor, or you have a whole theory, why you don't have it, and can't be.
But a man without honor is only worthy of contempt!
Victor Petrovich sat down and could not decide where to go - home to his dear and dear wife Masha, who became for so many years together, or to the apartment to the young mistress Larissa. For Viktor Petrovich, it was a "FUTURE Choice". Together with his wife lived more than twenty years, and there was no desire or opportunity to part with her. After all, all property on her and on her relatives is written down. And children, let the adults, too, if he leaves the family, obviously do not approve of such a deed ... Again, all his relatives have long known about the mistress. So everything was flowing like a flowing mistress.
He had been with his mistress for almost a year. Once, as it always happens, he turned the head of a young married woman, thought about playing with her, but give up. How many of them are there now, ready for the sake of an easy, thoughtless life for everything? And this fool fell in love with him, with a "real" man, and even with money. I set my plans for the future: love, wealth, easy life without worries. Concerned, only with her personal wellbeing, without hesitation, left a person close to her. Her husband: though good, her own, native, real, but not fighting, not an eagle, and without money again. So, some manager.
Victor Petrovich had to dot the I's and explain to the mistress the situation with her plans in reality. For her sake, he is not going to change his settled life at all..... She cried, of course: she hurried in vain, her pink dreams did not come true. There was no turning back to her husband either... So now only the mistress (in the common people "bedding"), and no more than that. Never to be loved and the only one, but always be only a woman with a dubious reputation, and always in second place.
Nothing, I accepted both my betrayal and my stupidity. And now the director himself and the mistress to leave pity. Tied up like a cat. Again, the long legs, a bust of the third size, in the sauna in the case of men in front of her is not ashamed to appear with her. There were mistresses before her, there are now (disposable), for sure, and after her will be, but this one is not yet possible to part with.
Continued in the next episode.