The ultimate goal of red, the impulse to experience and conquest is to calm down in satisfaction. Red finds its resolution in blue. Blue, peaceful and relaxed peace, aims to restore, accumulate strength for deep emotions and effective conquests. Blue finds its semantic resolution in red. Both ways lead to unity.
The Red Way achieves identification through military conquest. Blue strives for identification through self-sacrifice. Both the colours red and blue seek to identify, unite and merge in the form of love. The red way is male, patriarchal. The blue way is female, matriarchal. Men's red and women's blue merge into purple. 75% of children before puberty, aged with undifferentiated sexual characteristics prefer purple. It is chosen by 85% of mentally retarded children. The colour that does not separate male red from female blue is often preferred by homosexuals.
According to average statistics, purple is also preferred by pregnant women, but immediately after childbirth, this colour is either completely rejected by them, or elected based on individual taste. The famous psychologist Wilhelm Wundert once attributed the colour to purple - based on its connection with red and blue at the same time - a tendency to gloomy - melancholic seriousness and anxious - dreary mood. Wonder must have meant twilight purple-blue. Wundt's student Stefanescu - Goanga aptly described the effect of this colour as "veiled excitement". This value, allegedly found experimentally, is true for the medium - light nuances of purple colour.
Both in medieval painting on glass (painting of windows in churches) and in the Roman Catholic cult, which has survived to this day, purple is the colour of sincere repentance, humility, meekness and holy solitude.
Purple amethyst in a cardinal ring means restraint. Homosexuals, who prefer purple in the colour test, often erect eroticism in the cult and are neither moderately restrained nor inclined to humility and repentance. Purple is a colour that is not so easy to understand. Red and blue, male and female, active and passive - these two opposites in the purple are destroyed. Nicolaus Kuzanus, who himself wore a ring with purple stone, who as a cardinal stood above sexual intercourse, who was the first to combine the Middle Ages and modernity, theology and philosophy, speculative mysticism and, of course, scientific experimentation and called his work "Conscious Ignorance", created for purple the established concept of "Cointidentia oppositorum", which means destruction, or harmony of contradictions.
Cusanus distinguished between 4 stages of cognition. The highest, which contains all the previous ones, is "mystical contemplation". This unity merges even the contemplative subject and the contemplative object, the eternal contradiction of experience and thinking. This last confluence and destroy all contradictions and opposites, this mystical union is a purple colour. Purple is also a magical identification - for example, between man and animal, the so-called totem, which Levi-Brull established in primitive family religions.
The destruction of subjectively objective opposites, mystical, magical, magical, capable of destroying the opposite between desire and reality, is a purple colour. This is his magic, and this magic is his charm. The fusion of opposites, identification is one value of the purple colour. But in any process of experience (emotions in the future everywhere) and thinking there are always subjectively-objective opposites, they are effective and often tragic.
Blue peace is stirred up by the red impulse and stimulated to perceive the effects of the environment. But vice versa: the red impulse is slowed down, the blue rest, accumulated, dosed, differentiated and brought to such perfection that there is a sensual receptivity. These oscillations between red and blue, between impulsive desire and cautious receptivity, give a different meaning to the purple colour, namely, the sensitivity. Thus, in general, purple colour expresses a sensual identification, which often stands on the verge of infantile and is defined as "suggestibility". Thus, for example, studies have shown that the lower strata of the population prefer purple colour much more often, and the upper layers reject purple colour suggestibility much more often than the average, and thus, a negative and critical attitude to it.