"I'm so angry today, I'd punch or kick everybody!!!" How many times have you done this thought? It may have happened a lot of times to think so, but from there it really did, fortunately only a few people have made it a reality. Yet it's a shame because throwing punches and kicks is one of the best activities to relieve the tensions accumulated during the day and beyond!
To throw punches you don't have to be a boxer!
The first thought that comes to mind, compared to the term Fitboxe, is: "Like hell, I'm going to get hurt with a fighting sport". It's a legitimate and sensible but disproportionate thought, in fact, the Fit Box is not a combat sport but a training system that uses three disciplines, boxing, martial arts and aerobics!
The perfect mix!
Fitboxe is therefore a training system that does not involve contact with a real opponent but against a lot or empty. With the dangerous aspect removed, what remains?
It remains a complete workout that in an hour makes burn from 300 to 600 kcal, without ever knowing the boredom! This fantastic result we said is due to the mix that is created using the training systems and then the advantages of different sports:
Boxer training leads to excellent physical qualities, in particular strength, speed, agility, motor coordination, resistance to prolonged exertion.
Martial arts
Martial arts training enhances absolute strength, explosive, fast, resistant, fast strength resistance, reactivity, all involving both upper and lower limbs.
Aerobic training is known to improve the functionality of the cardiorespiratory system, improve fitness, and reduce cardiovascular diseases.
An explosion of energy and enthusiasm!
To practice the Fit Box you don't have to have any special requirements, just want to have fun, learn and move! Probably its success lies in this and in its ability to effectively relieve accumulated stress. In addition, we did not often see men doing aerobics; just as we did not see many women boxing.
With this new discipline, however, there is a more homogeneous presence.
What do you do in 30/60 minutes?
A FitBoxe lesson lasts on average or 30 or 60 minutes during which there are phases of warm-up, exercise, sacking, stretching, all corroborated by rhythmic music! In detail, a lesson is always composed of:
1. Heating
Heating is essential for any sport, because it is used to avoid stretching and tearing. Most of them are free body exercises that, starting from simple arm circumctions or jumps on the spot, lead to the activation of the various muscle groups.
2. Stretching
After a good warm-up, the active and passive stretching actions of the main muscle groups make the movements more elastic, allowing you to move better.
3. Cardio training
a. This is the central phase of training in which boxing and martial arts techniques alternate to the rhythm of music, creating increasingly more complicated combinations that can be packed or empty.
4. Muscle strengthening
In this phase, muscle power is trained in the 10 main groups: abdominal, gluteal, internal and external thighs, pectoral, biceps, triceps, dorsal, shoulders and legs. The training methods are derived from different sports so we will have the body free, working in pairs, with the help of tools, with methods from Circuit training or interval training.
5. Relaxation and stretching
As with any type of training, the final phase is dedicated to lowering the pulsations, focusing on breathing. A series of active and passive stretching exercises assist the whole process and it is also possible to experiment with yoga exercises or autogenous training.
Are you convinced to try Fit Boxing?
If you have not yet convinced yourself to try it out, it is worth remembering that the results, which you can achieve with two workouts a week, are truly remarkable, let's see them together:
- Burning fat
- Increased muscle tone
- Stronger bones and ligaments
- Cardiovascular Health
- Improvement of muscular endurance
- Improved balance
- Development of strength and power
- Stress relief
- Improved coordination
- Increased flexibility
Of course the list above will not leave you indifferent so what are you waiting for? Look at your gym for the course, almost all gyms have one, and start training to the beat of music finally pulling punches and kicks, without hurting yourself or anyone!