Hi-tech style is usually preferred by people who keep up with the times and are not indifferent to technological innovations. In this style there is also a share of epatience, as the finishing of the premises requires not only the most modern and functional materials, but also non-standard design solutions in the form of eccentric forms of walls or furniture.
Apartments and houses built in high-tech style also emphasize the high status of the owners. Usually modern furniture and household appliances from leading designers are used in the interior, and it requires considerable expenses. Also, construction is usually carried out with the use of modern technology, the use of which can not afford many.
Features and directions of style.
The first feature of the style is the perfect state-of-the-art technical equipment. So, to the style of hi-tech can be referred to as "smart home", where household appliances, lights and other appliances in your home can be controlled by a single device, and all the wires, cords and cables are hidden away from the eyes. Kitchen appliances in the house should also be selected with the latest technology. These are touch panels, voice control and other high-tech "chips", which will go in combination with perfectly polished surfaces.
The second feature is the simple and monochrome finish. Hi-tech style to accept bright, heterogeneous walls. Everything should be even, smooth and monotonous in the decoration of the premises. The walls are most often painted in light colors. Preference is given to white, light grey, beige and sand. Style dictates the principles of minimalism and lack of any decor. However, designers are still allowed to decorate the walls with black-and-white photographs in metal frames, or paintings with abstract images. The floors should also be monotonous with a modern finish. For example, they can be floors that are fully compliant with this style. High-tech interiors also usually use white or light grey stretch ceilings.
The same rules apply to furniture. No multicolored sofas, pillows, extra chairs and dressers. Everything should be ultramodern, high-tech, monotonous and have simple geometric shapes. In this style, ideal sofas-transformers, which are arranged into modules and allow you to change the shape. Also suitable multifunctional coffee tables, which can be arranged in large dining tables. Cabinets should also have simple geometric shapes and fit perfectly into the interior. Ideally, if the furniture can also be controlled with the help of "high technology". For example, a bed that will come in and out of the closet at the touch of a button.
Despite the preferences for monotony and "evenness" of colors, designers still omit the so-called "bright spot effect" in the interior of hi-tech. For example, it can be a sofa of bright red or blue upholstery. Or a bar stool of an unusual design with bright colors, but it is necessary to remember that it is not necessary to overdo it. The "Blur" in the apartment can be only one thing.
Another feature is the lighting. The interior in high-tech style implies a large number of different lighting fixtures. Basically, these are ultramodern recessed luminaires, excellent also fit designer halogen pendant lamps. It also uses illumination of panels, built-in furniture. Often, designers give the lighting special functions, such as the division of the interior space, the allocation of a certain area, and so on. Sometimes even soffits are used in the lighting. But it is important to remember that all Priori must remain simple and light.
A few taboos for high-tech interiors.
No tulle curtains, no opaque curtains. The best option for windows is vertical or horizontal blinds. However, if you have a painful association with the office environment, you can still use the curtains, but not dense and homogeneous and uniform texture. Numerous decorations such as statuettes, caskets, beads, flowers, etc. are not welcome either. The maximum allowed is black-and-white photos on the walls, or paintings with abstract painting. In the interior in high-tech style there is also almost no wood. All legs of sofas and chairs are replaced by plastic. Even doors are usually made of glass and plastic, or polished and painted beyond recognition. You should also be careful when choosing carpeting. Carpets should not have any classic patterns on them. Only monotony and correct geometric shapes are allowed. And the last thing is the wallpaper. Wallpaper in the decoration of the room in the high-tech style is not used. Only painting, as you have already guessed, in homogeneous tones.
Summing up, it is possible to tell that style of a hi-tech is not simple in realisation and demands considerable financial investments. However, you can be proud of the unique originality and multifunctionality of your premises.
Thank you for your attention and wish you a good time!