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Party with death

The summer cafe was not crowded. A woman sat at one of the tables and, smiling, watched her daughter eat ice cream, after another two men in white shirts, fastened on the last button, were eating borscht ...

- There used to be lunch, but now it's business ... This one, how is it? A business lunch or something ... There used to be workers, but now everyone has become managers. Wherever you spit, you’ll get into the manager, ”the old man muttered displeasedly, approaching the table at which he was already waiting.

- Life is flowing, changing ... People and names are changing with it, what's wrong, Fedor Mikhailovich? - Death pushed the salt shaker to the edge of the table and brushed a few crumbs from it.

The old man laid a chessboard on the table and, quacking from pain in his legs, sank into a chair.

“Why are you so early today, madame?”

- I miss you, - Death smiled, - let’s already arrange. Want to recoup, no strength.

“Yes, where do you go? ..” - the grandfather waved his hand, “you, of course, are a strong player, but people still invented this game.” You have other games at all.

“You are mistaken, Fedor Mikhailovich, my games are the same.” The same pawns, horses, bishops ... By the way, in this game I most of all know what I like? That the seediest pawn can sometimes beat the strongest queen. This principle of justice is observed both on the board and in life. Only now, some human queens often forget about it.

“You should write books,” the grandfather muttered, “and not mow life.”

“To each his own,” Death answered thoughtfully, “in general, I don’t really like writers.” They constantly make me look bad in some light. I'm so bad, angry and terrible. Is it really unpleasant for you in my society?

The old man glanced at her, but said nothing, putting the last piece on the board.

- Well? Let's get started? - the grandfather rubbed his hands and made the first move.

“Or, for example, that little girl with ice cream over there.” He sits to himself, eats it, rejoices and does not suspect that I am very close to her. Two steps away. But, after all, this does not mean that she is in danger, right? Please place this pawn on e5.

The old man moved the black piece to the place that Death had shown him and made the second move.

- Yesterday I was at the funeral of one client. Everyone cries, weeps, but I don’t understand. In fact, you are all mortal. Sooner or later, I will take each of you by the handle where necessary. What sob then? I don’t understand at all ... Now, this girl is eating ice cream, she is happy. And when it ends - after all, there will not be less happiness? Well, maybe the thought flickered in her head that one could eat another one, but her mother would tell her that it was impossible and they joyful would go on for a walk. So am I with you, as with children. Only now you don’t understand that you need to enjoy life during life, and not whimper that everything is wrong, and in the end to die, not knowing its taste. Yes, children in this sense understand more than adults ... Horse on c6, please.

“And where will you take us then?” It's just interesting, ”the grandfather scratched his head and made a move.

- Fedor Mikhailovich, and you there too? - reproachfully said Death, - we agreed that we will not discuss such issues.

- Come on, calm down! I'll see it soon.

“Maybe not soon,” Death said, and fidgeted in her chair, looking at the blackboard, “let's try ... hmm ... well, for example, the b4 elephant.”

About an hour has passed since the start of the party. The players peered intently at the board and, between things, talked quietly.

- ... and I’m telling him - leave your phone and leave your wallet! And he knows what? - Death laughed and wiped away the tears that had come - and he tells me - what if my wife calls me and I won’t answer, do you know what scandal will be ?! Oh ... I’m supposed there’s no connection there, but he’s talking about it - the wife will call, the wife will call ... Yeah, there are different clients ... Rook on a5, please.


“You have funny cases, there are no words,” the old man smiled and put a rook on the indicated square, “and to you, by the way, here’s a check, and here’s a checkmate!”

- How so? - surprised Death and bent over the board, - really ... Well, the player is you, Fedor Mikhailovich! They beat me again! I would just take off my hat to your mastery if I had it.

“I must admit, your skill is also growing every day,” the old man answered and leaned back in his chair.

“Well then ... Congratulations!” - Death rose from the table and straightened her clothes, - in this case, forced to leave. Till tomorrow!

She waved her goodbye, left the cafe and slowly walked right along the road. It was noticeable that she was pondering the played part and trying to understand where exactly she had made a fatal mistake.

- Is there again this grandfather or something? - the waitress looked out from behind the counter and looked at her colleague.

“Yeah, this old fellow already got it,” she said displeasedly, “every day he sits here, plays chess with himself, and orders only tea later.”

- Well, what are you so right away? Maybe he's a little sick. You see - the old one already.

- So what? Sits, scares us, customers. Now I’ll talk to him myself.

The girl took the menu and went to the old man's table.

- Hello! Will you order something?

Grandfather as if went emerged from his thoughts and looked at the girl with faded eyes.

“Yes, daughter ... Bring me a mug of tea, please.”

“Do you know what? .. I’ll bring you tea, of course, but ... Could you please not come to us again?” Do you really have no friends? Play chess with them, but somewhere else. Our customers just look at you and ... How to say? ..

“Yes, I understand everything, daughter,” the old man smiled, “I understand.” Soon I will stop coming to you, don’t worry. I just have all my friends already ... How would I put it this way? Lost, in general, to smithereens. There’s no one else to play with. And here it’s good for you, the breeze is blowing. Well, I always pay for tea. Don’t drive me away, okay?

- Yes? Well ... - the waitress broke off, - tea with sugar?

- Yeah, and more, today such a game was intense. Only this ... Tomorrow, I still come to you, okay?

- Well, what to do. Come on, come on.

The old man was drinking tea and slowly, one by one, collecting chess pieces into a chessboard. He perfectly understood that he looked strange in the eyes of other people - he was always alone, playing and talking quietly to himself ... But the slanting glances of people and the misunderstanding in their eyes faded along with a sense of happiness and the realization that he had won another day today from death own life. He knew very well that sooner or later she would beat him. But today ... Today he was happy.