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Gems and their properties.

Amazonite is a stone symbolizing beauty and independence.


Amazonite is a kind of feldspar. Amazonites are formed in hydrothermal and pneumatolite formations. Natural stone usually has the form of large crystals, the length of which can reach 1.5 m. The chemical composition of potassium aluminosilicate amazonite with impurities of lead, cesium and rubidium.

Amazonite is a stone symbolizing beauty and independence. Beautiful gray and bluish color, it carries peace and stability, strengthens relationships in the family and brings love and faith in the family. In terms of minerals, it is not quite a stone, but a stone made of bile from bezar goats.

According to historical data, the stone was first found in the area of the Amazon River in 1783, and was named after the scientist A. Breitgaut in 1847. Deposits of Amazonite are located all over the world and on the Kola Peninsula, in Ukraine, Egypt, Brazil, Middle East, Norway, USA, South Africa. Canada, Mongolia.

According to legend, Scythian women have been rubbing Amazonite powder on her breasts to stop her from growing. This is where the myth of single-breasted Amazons came from.

According to another version, the residents of the Amazon region wore talismans made of green stone, although this stone is absent in the Amazon basin. The Amazonite is discolored when heated to 600 degrees Celsius. Amazonite deposits are mainly associated with pegmatites of the rare earth group. Amazonite coloration can be obtained by irradiating the stone with X-rays. When the stone heats up to 300 degrees C, the green color disappears, but it can be restored by exposing the stone to radioactive or X-rays or simply by placing the stone in a dark place.

The stone was already well known in ancient Ethiopia and Egypt (although it had other names) and was used to make various jewelry such as beads, earrings, rings and talismans. He also fell in love with stone-cutters, as they are easily processed.

However, the most interesting thing is that it is a very beautiful stone (it has a special bluish-green color) and has good qualities, but it is quite inexpensive.

Amazonite jewelry:

Since ancient times, Amazonite has been used in countries around the world as a decorative and ornamental stone. Amazonite was used to make jewelry: rings, earrings, beads, amulets. The stone is not considered to be precious, but its products are very beautiful and play with the shine of diamonds. In Egypt and Ethiopia, there were Amazonite mines many years before Christ. In a huge number of jewelry found in the tomb of Tutankhamen were amulets, earrings, beads, and rings of green Amazonite in a frame of silver. In Russia, Amazonite products began to be made in the 18th century. Decorative vases made in the Urals are kept in the Hermitage. Stone plates are used to create stained-glass windows and decorative lamps. Jewelry made of Amazonite is beautiful and elegant, and has an affordable price.

Magical and healing properties of amazonite:

Amazonite is a stone of devotion and courage. Its bright green color repels anxiety and uncertainty, creates a good mood. Jewelry made of this stone helps to build a stable family, attracting prosperity. To give the stone special properties of mysticism, amazonite was placed under the altar. It is believed that Amazonite strengthens the human ability to see. It develops working capacity. Especially it is recommended for wearing to people with increased aggression on the environment.

As a guard Amazonite warns people from hasty deeds, wrong opinions, excessive ego and pride, the consequences of which are trouble. For women, the stone is a guardian of envy and witchcraft of enemies, keeps the beauty and charm, makes luck stable, helps to avoid evil and trouble. For creative people Amazonite activates their romantic directions in real life. For sociable people, Amazonite becomes a talisman of adequacy, helps to find a compromise solution and maintain tactfulness in any situation. Massage with Amazonite balls strengthens the heart and relieves nervous fatigue. If the owner of Amazonite beads is wearing them constantly, she will shine with young skin. The stone also helps in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis.

Amazonite astrology:

Amazonite amulets can be worn by everyone, but especially the stone helps people born under the sign of Scorpio.