- On the second planet lived a man who loved Vanity.
- Oh!A worshipper came to visit me!"The vanity of the love of the little prince at the sight, from afar shouted.
In the eyes of those who love vanity, others become their admirers.
"Hello!"Said The Little Prince."Your hat is Strange.”
"It's meant to pay tribute to people," he said.The Vanity-loving man replied, " when people cheer me, I salute them with my hat."Unfortunately, no one passes here.”
The little prince did not understand.Said: "Ah?Is that so?”
Vanity suggested to the little prince, " you pat one hand on the other.”
The little prince took the slap.The Vanity-lover raised his hat humbly to pay tribute to the Little Prince.
The Little Prince thought to himself: "this is more interesting than a visit to the King.So he slapped again.The Vanity-lover raised his hat again to salute him.
The little prince did this for five minutes, and then a little tired of this monotonous trick, and said:
"What do you do if you want your hat to fall off?"”
But this vain man of love does not listen to his words,for he that loveth Vanity heareth only the words of praise.
He asked the little prince, " do you really admire me?”
What does admiration mean?”
"What admiration, is to admit that I am the most beautiful people on the planet, the best dress, the richest people, the most intelligent people."”
"But you are the only one on your planet!”
"Let me be happy, please come to admire me!"”
The Little Prince shrugged his shoulders and said, " I admire you,but what makes you so interested?”
So the Little Prince walked away.
The little prince said to himself on the road: "these adults must be very strange.”
- Othe next planet visited by the Little Prince lived a drunkard.The visit was very short, but it made the Little Prince very sad.
"What are you doing?The little prince asked the drunkard, the drunkard sitting there in silence, in front of a pile of wine bottles, some filled with wine, some empty.
"I drink.'He replied gloomily.
"Why do you drink?The little prince asked.
"To forget."Replied The Drunkard.
The little prince has some poor drunks.“Forget what? " he asked.”
The drunkard dropped his head and confessed: "to forget my shame."”
"What are you ashamed of?"The little prince wanted to help him.
"I'm ashamed of my drinking."The drunkard will not speak after.
The Little Prince puzzled away.
On the journey, he said to himself: "these adults are really strange.”
The fourth planet is a planet of industrialists.The man was so busy that when the little prince came, he did not even lift his head.
The little prince said to him:“Hello.Your cigarette is out.”
"Three plus two equals five.Five plus seven equals twelve.Twelve plus three equals fifteen.HiFifteen plus seven, twenty-two.Twenty-two plus six, twenty-eight.There is no time to light it again.Twenty-six plus five, thirty-one.Ouch!In total, five hundred sixty two thousand seven hundred thirty-one.”
"Five hundred million what?"”
"Well?You still here?Five hundred and one million ... I don't know what it is anymore.I work a lot...... I am very serious, but I never have the Kung Fu to chat!Two plus five for seven.……”
"Fifty-one million what?" he asked."Repeated the Little Prince.Once he raises a question, he never gives up.
The industrialist looked up and said:
'I've lived on this planet for 54 years and only been disturbed three times.The first time was twenty-two years ago, I do not know where to run a beetle to disturb me.It made a terrible noise that caused me to make four errors in one account.The second time, eleven years ago, was the onset of rheumatism, due to my lack of exercise.I don't have time to hang out.I'm a serious person.Now...this is the third time!I calculated the result is $ 51 million.……”
"Millions of what?"”
The industrialist knew there was no hope for peace, and said:
"Millions of little things, these little things sometimes appear in the sky.”
"No, it's a shiny little thing.”
"Is it a bee?”
"No, it's the Golden little things, these little things called the lazy people thinking."I'm a serious person.I don't have time to think.”
"Ah, the stars?”
"Yes, is the stars.”
"What are you going to do with the 500 million stars?"”
Five hundred and sixty-two thousand seven hundred and Thirty-One stars.I am a serious person and I am very precise.”
"What are you doing with these stars?”
"What do I want it to do?”
"Yes," he said.”
"Do nothing.They all belong to me.”
The stars belong to you?"”
“Yes, " he said.”
"But I have seen a king, and he……”
"Kings do not take possession,they just rule.This is not one thing.”
"What is the use of having so many stars?”
"Rich can go to buy other stars, if someone found other stars."”
The little prince said to himself, " this man is a bit like an alcoholic.”
But he had some questions.:
"How can you occupy the stars?”
"Who do you think the stars belong to?The industrialist was displeased with the Little Prince's sentence.
"I do not know, does not belong to anyone.”
"Well, they're mine, because it was the first thing I thought of," he said.”
"Is that all right?”