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These directions to be used of the dog square measure meant for all those affected by mental and physical sicknesses and their psi and alternative therapists, in addition as for people who suffer from nothing however loneliness.

The line-up:
Kanis (ordinary dog)
Clinical-pharmacological group:

To a bigger extent, dietary supplements, instead of medicine, square measure terribly biological, terribly active additives to human life.


Form of issue:

Four paws, a head, “talking eyes”, a toothy, typically smiling mouth, ears, wet nose, and therefore the whole form is topped with a tail. coated with a shell of fully any color, apart from rainbow, numerous texture, apart from scales and feathers. Colorless and textureless coating choices square measure allowed, just for use by the owner of the art-technician on his unhealthy.

Under the shell:

Loving, empathic, affective, reflexive and thus healing soul. there's additionally intelligence in adequate doses.


The composition of the active ingredient:

Chemically terribly advanced, however therapeutic.

Pharmacological action:

Versatile and various. Softly and observably, or speedily and sharply affects the psyche of the patient, physiologically alternating between stimulation and relaxation, that results in a gradual decline in pathological symptoms and its complete disappearance.

Indirectly or directly affects the patient's mode, tributary to the enrichment of the complete body and particularly the brain with oxygen; stimulates the assembly of neurotransmitters (serotonin, endorphin, dopamine, etc.), that have a positive impact on the practical state of the psyche.


Allows, or rather forces someone to be in an exceedingly state of affairs “here and now” throughout medical care. The dog features a differentiated and versatile impact on the vanity of the patient, increasing the idea and, conversely, grounding (literally and figuratively), too steep. Encourages individuals to point out the simplest ethical and religious qualities, trains the desire and will increase endurance. it's a physio therapeutic impact by emitting infrared waves. features a reflexogenic impact, stimulating tactile, auditory, visual, sensory system receptors (sometimes too), thereby exciting the patient's motor and brain activity, as an example, in search of AN irritating smell.


Increases the acuteness of perception, concentration of attention, vigilance. Contributes to the restoration of biorhythms of sleep and rest. Improves appetency, sleep, complexion, flexibility and quality of joints, relationships and cohesion between members of the cluster during which the food supplement is employed. additionally, it's positive non-therapeutic effects — like the preservation of property, and typically the lifetime of the patient.


The mechanism of therapeutic influence is mediate by the advanced influence of ubiquity, immediacy, activity (even in an exceedingly dream), unconditional love and infinite devotion on the material body.

Fills with all his being emptiness within the psyche and time of his patient. Warming within the cold, vocation for physical activity, or directly moving the infrared rays of bodily contact.

Also, it stimulates the motivation of apathetic and sluggish subjects to look for an honest living for his or her dog. evokes social contacts, in particular: to exchange experiences between canine homeowners, or to clarify relations with neighbors, etc. It additionally motivates your patient to seek out feed, trainers, exhibitions, veterinarians and alternative support employees for your meal.


Through the utilization of the dog's jaw (often off-label) equipment, the pain receptors of the limbs and alternative components of the host's body square measure subjected to regular hyper-stimulation, that sooner or later brings him to the emotive level, forcing him to unblock the exit for a few emotions of that he failed to even understand, or had long forgotten, leading to a touch acutely aware and uncontrolled powerful use of speech and voice devices, that successively improves blood circulation and results in the bar of throat and blood circulation.


In the method of treatment with petfood supplements, because of regular emotions, there's a unharness of stress energy. The alternation of stimulating and restful effects on the sympatho-adrenal system, additionally features a positive impact on the cardio-

vascular, metastasis and alternative host systems.


PTSD, depression, neuroses, astheno-vegetative and psychasthenic conditions, psychoneurotic and corporal diseases.



Practically not obtainable, apart from individual mutual intolerance.

Side effects:

Occurrence is rare and doesn't need cancellation of treatment: the patient could have the subsequent symptoms not typical of the human body: a need to "lick", move the chest or possess; there square measure tone, manners ANd nomenclature of the trainer once act with people; and there's an elevated