The way to effective management of a person is through understanding his or her motivation. It is possible to develop an effective system of forms and methods of human management, only knowing what motivates him, what motivates him to act, what motives are the basis of his actions. For this purpose it is necessary to know how these or those motives appear, how and in what way the motives can be activated, how to motivate people.
It is possible to increase the efficiency of work by knowing the structure of motives and needs of employees, by means of concrete measures to express their recognition by the manager and to stimulate them to high results, by improving the information and decision-making structure by improving communication. Employees' performance depends not only on one-sided requirements and incentives, but also on mutual attention and partnership.
Motivation issues are often central to the life of the organisation. Employees are motivated when they benefit the organisation with joy, enthusiasm, willingness to perform the task and passion.
All definitions of motivation can be reduced to two main groups:
Motivation is viewed from a structural point of view as a set of factors or motives. Typical of this approach is the definition of motivation as a set of internal and external motivating forces that motivate a person to act, set the boundaries and forms of this activity and give it a direction aimed at achieving certain goals;
Motivation is seen as a dynamic education, a process. Typical in the second approach is the definition: motivation is the process of motivating oneself and others to engage in activities to achieve personal and organizational goals.
There are three types of motivation:
Normative - a person's motivation to a certain behavior through ideological and psychological influence, i.e. belief, suggestion, information, psychological infection, etc;
Forced - the use of power and the threat of worsening the satisfaction of the needs of the employee in case of failure to comply with the relevant requirements;
Motivation by means of stimulation - impact not directly on the personality, but on external circumstances with the help of benefits - stimuli that motivate the employee to behave in a certain way.
To understand motivation and create its model we will use systematic and process approaches. The system approach assumes a view of motivation as an open social and technical system. The process approach represents motivation as a continuous process of motive birth. In the most general form, we will present the motivation of labor activity in the form of the following model.
The process of motivation begins and ends with a person. The personality is the object and subject of motivation. A personality has different innate and acquired needs. The working environment (organization) is designed to allow a person to satisfy their needs by working effectively to achieve the goals of the organization. This task can be solved only by creating powerful motives of human labor activity.
Labor and its evaluation is the final point of the motivation process and the most important element of the motivation system. It is it that gives an assessment of the effectiveness of labor motivation in the organization. The employee's personality from the point of view of motivation is characterized by four main elements: psychological structure, value structure, needs and interests.
Needs - is the care of the individual about the necessary means and conditions of their own existence and self-improvement, as well as the desire for sustainable preservation of balance with the environment. The main types of needs are represented by the substantial theories of motivation.
A number of needs are directly related to the problems of labor motivation and have specific labor meanings. Among them it is possible to allocate:
- Needs for self-respect (conscientious labor activity regardless of control and remuneration);
- the need for self-assertion (high quantitative and qualitative indicators in the labor for the sake of approval and authority);
- the need for dormitory accommodation (a labour requirement as a condition and occasion for human contacts), etc.
Concept, functions and types of motivation of labor activity
2 октября 20192 окт 2019
3 мин