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Differences between the various dog breeds


Today, about 1000 breeds of dogs are known, but only a quarter of them have been studied, in order to know their specific behavior and differences with other breeds.

This type of study has been done following a vast set of methodologies that have allowed us to know what the various breeds are for and what differences are identified between them.

In this way, it was possible to determine which breeds were the most suitable to guide the flocks, which to help blind people as guide dogs, which were brought to tow sleds or save lives. The function that each breed develops is determined by its abilities and temperament.

The differences between dog breeds are therefore not determined solely by their size or physical characteristics.

Studies carried out



Between 1950 and 1960, two scientists, Scott and Fuller, selected five different dog breeds, which were bred under the same conditions. The dogs in question were a Basenji, a Fox Terrier, a Cocker Spaniel, a Beagle, and a Shetland Sheepdog. Scott and Fuller found extremely significant differences between the various specimens and attributed them to genetic causes. Nevertheless, the two scientists later identified other important differences within individuals of the same breed.

Another more recent study involved 56 different breeds with 13 different strains. During the research, a score was attributed to each breed and each temperament, according to the judgment of a group of veterinarians and judges of dog shows.

The study showed that the factor "breed" plays an extremely important role in establishing differences in temperament.

Again, however, much more predictable behavioral trends were identified than others depending on the breed. This means that the breed is not the only element influencing the presence of differences between dogs.

Regardless of the breed, each animal is unique and has its own character, determined by education, childhood experience or genetics.

Another element that can affect breed differences is the environmental factor.

For example, if two dogs of different breeds are bred by people with similar tastes and expectations, similarities may be found between the two.

Nevertheless, the fact that a dog is of one breed or another has no influence on its character. Character consists of something that is determined by the experiences and factors experienced throughout life. But don't confuse character with temperament!

Temperament is to all intents and purposes the temperament of each breed, and it is what determines that some breeds are more predisposed to certain types of tasks than others.

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If you are going to take a dog, it is likely that given the difference between the different breeds, you are already wondering which of the many faces more in your case. Unfortunately, that's a question we can't answer.

There is no better or worse breed. Also, as we have seen, each dog has a different character.

So when you are about to choose a dog, it will all depend on your needs, your family and why you want a dog. Are you interested in having a watchdog for your home? Do you want a dog to stay at home and get along with the children? Are you looking for a quiet one to keep you company?

For such a choice, as this article has shown, the breed can be a good parameter for decision. So when you go to a professional breeding farm to choose your future dog, explain to your caregivers what tasks you would like the dog to perform and let the expert advice you.

Depending on the breed you choose, you will find a dog who is perfectly prepared to do what you ask him to do, as the temperament is determined by the breed itself. But don't forget that character, on the contrary, is defined by the way you will raise it and the education the animal will receive.

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