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Gems and their properties.

Albit doesn't let the dark forces get into the house.


Albit from the Latin word albus is white. It is sodium feldspar, the most common color of which is grey in various shades. There may also be completely colorless crystals. Albite has a glass luster, hardness: 6,0-6,5 and density - 2,62 g/cm3.

Albite crystals are characterized:

- transparent translucent structure. But there are types of stone with opaque structure, which are characterized by a glass shine;

- A wide range of colours. Most often it is white and all shades of grey. Less often the mineral has blue, yellow, brown and orange shades;

- The saturation of the stone depends on the presence of chemical impurities;

- presence of impurities of potassium, lead, magnesium and chromium;

- High resistance to heat and melting;

- The mineral does not succumb to acids.

To dissolve an albite it is possible only by means of hydrofluoric acid.

The main deposits of Albit in the USA, Canada, Sweden, Norway, etc.

Albite jewelry and its prices:

Albite minerals are most often used in the production of ceramics and albite is also popular as a mineral for collections. In jewelry, this gemstone is rarely used, mainly used albites with an optical effect of iridescence (they are polished with cabochons), adventures and good transparent crystals, which are called "noble albite".

The color of the albite is not only white. In addition to the blue albite, which is also called cloverlandite, there are yellow, pink and green shades (the latter are sometimes called pseudo-thirstyleite). By the way, albites of blue-gray, blue-blue, or pale purple color are called white-morite or moonstone. Albits with an adventurous effect are called orthoclase or solar stone. Mostly, cabochons are ground from albite.

Albit has found its application in scientific research to determine the degree of metamorphism. In the jewelry world it is one of the most popular collection stones.

The magic of albite crystal:

Albit is recognized as a conductor of lunar and solar energy. According to astrologers it is desirable to have two stones at once. This also applies to products with Albit or jewelry with it, as the lunar Albit is able to replenish the energy of Yin, and the solar - the energy of Yang. In order to make the stones lunar and sunny, it is recommended to "walk" minerals in the rays of lunar and sunlight at the Sun or Moon. That is, one Albit should be placed on the window sill during the new moon and full moon at night, and the day to put in a closed box. The second stone Albita lay out in the daytime sunrise to sunset.

In China, according to the technique of harmonization of the internal life of man feng shui, this mineral is used to determine and eliminate the excess of this or that energy. To achieve full harmony in man should be an equal amount of energy Yin or Yang. In the magical properties of Albit there is the ability to eliminate excess energy and add the one that a person has in the soul, home, thoughts and physical body is deficient.

In the form of talismans paired Albits are able to set their owner to treat wisely with a philosophical approach to everything that happens in his life. This couple is able to completely cleanse the man and his house from the negative outside.

Healing properties of the stone:

Albit and its healing properties relate to the prevention of kidney disease, recommended for pancreatic, liver and spleen diseases.

Lithotherapists advise to apply a mineral for 15-20 minutes to patients with acute problems immediately after taking medicines and lie still in a relaxed state. According to them, Albit is able to absorb painful energy and pain during this time, so at the end of the procedure it is necessary to leave it under running water for 5 minutes for complete purification and getting rid of the negative, which was Albit was extracted from the human body. After this procedure, the stone can be used again.

Astrology of albite:

Wearing Albit jewelry is available to everyone born under any of the zodiac signs.

Interesting fact:

Albit helps to treat everything that happens in the life of its owner from a philosophical point of view. If it is placed above the front door in front of the house, the house will be protected, as it will be constantly cleaned from the negative side.