Xiaofang didn't think of it. She worked hard for nearly three months. She went to the hospital for abdominal examination because of abdominal pain. The result was told by the doctor that the uterus was an empty gestation sac and the embryo had stopped developing.
Xiaofang (a pseudonym) three months ago, due to regular regular menstruation stopped for several days, came to the Armed Police Hospital to check urine HCG positive, after three years of marriage, Xiaofang, who had never been pregnant, told the husband about the news, the couple excited I didn't sleep well for a few nights.
Since then, I have not come to the hospital for examination. The day before, Xiaofang came to the Armed Police Hospital for obstetrics and gynecology consultation because of the lower abdomen pain. The doctor recommended to do B-ultrasound to understand the embryo development. The B-ultrasound report shows that the uterus is slightly larger, and the uterus sees a pregnancy capsule. No germ and primitive heart beats were seen in the capsule. Obstetricians and gynecologists explain that this situation may be an expired abortion, it is recommended that Xiaofang do the uterus as soon as possible, so as not to cause uterine bleeding. Xiaofang can't figure out how to get pregnant. She is pregnant for 3 months, but it is an expired abortion. 5 major problems that threaten the fetus
In fact, this kind of example is not uncommon. Only a week ago, a female patient who had been pregnant for four months came to our hospital for a small amount of bleeding from the vagina. B-diagnosis: intrauterine early pregnancy and stillbirth. Obstetrics and gynecology experts pointed out that there are many common causes of abortion: genetic factors, chromosomal abnormalities are the most common cause of spontaneous abortion, embryos with chromosomal abnormalities will have miscarriage, even if very few develop into a fetus, they will also be combined with severe dysfunction. Or deformed. Secondly, external factors such as cadmium, lead, organic mercury, DDT and some radioactive substances, if pregnant women are exposed to these toxic substances, may cause fetal abortion. In addition, maternal factors (maternal systemic diseases, maternal endocrine diseases, etc.), immune factors, maternal and child blood type incompatibility may cause embryo abortion. Five tests that predict fetal health
How to prevent and deal with the occurrence of abortion? First of all, for women, it should have some common sense of medicine, whether it is already on the ring or ligature, once you find that you have menopause, you should come to the hospital for examination (urine-HCG and B-ultrasound), for those who are not married for a long time. Also think about the possibility of pregnancy. After finding a pregnancy, if you do not want your child, it is best to have a B-ultrasound to determine whether the intrauterine pregnancy, exclude ectopic pregnancy. Expectant mother, full analysis of B-ultrasound during pregnancy
- Obstetricians and gynecologists will take corresponding measures (drug flow or abortion) for the above situations. Pregnant women who want children must pay attention to pregnancy care, prohibiting the same room within three months of pregnancy, once the symptoms of abortion (such as vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, etc.) should be immediately checked to the hospital, especially the B-ultrasound is very important, it can identify A variety of different types of abortion, through B-ultrasound to observe whether there is an embryo sac, whether there is germ and fetal heartbeat, to determine whether the embryo survives, in order to choose the appropriate treatment. Master the "dynamic" of the baby
- The concept of "early birth" throughout almost the entire history of mankind did not exist at all. What are the early births if a girl was considered ready for marriage and, consequently, for childbirth immediately after the appearance of menstruation? It is not surprising - since mortality among children and adults was very high, for the survival of the clan, the woman had to begin to fulfill her “main mission” as early as possible in order to manage to give birth to as many children as possible. Therefore, marriage at the age of 13-14 was considered the norm, and at the age of 15-16, most girls were already mothers (in the southern and eastern countries, where girls mature faster - even earlier). In medieval Europe and in Russia, an unmarried 18-year-old was already considered a “mess”, and a 20-year-old was considered a hopeless old maid, whom only an elderly widower with a bunch of children could flatter. Women who gave birth for the first time after 20 years were considered “old-born”.