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The other world

Dog: The story of a pet dog


Chapter six

Summer. Just think how long it takes for almost all schoolchildren to start their first summer day! To score for three months on homework and lessons, but just to lie in bed and complain about the fact that the sun keeps you awake. This is paradise life!

Eric has been on his feet for a long time. He had already brushed his teeth, had breakfast, changed his clothes and was fully prepared. To what? Today his parents decided to take him to the amusement park for the successful end of the school year. Eric was a diligent student, studying almost all subjects except literature. It's not as strong for him, but he's got a hard four. Parents were happy to have such an obedient and beautiful son in their family. I never hurt anyone, I helped everyone. At school, teachers loved him. But it was a little tight with my friends. Almost all the boys in the class were hooligans and, of course, they didn't want to mess with someone like our hero.

Eric ran out into the street, where parents were waiting for him. My mother and father both worked as doctors but in different specialties. Nikolai Borisovich worked as a dentist and Lyudmila Lvovna as a nurse. But we will not explain in detail about these heroes, because we are interested to know what happened next. The family went to the bus stop, where they did not wait long for transport. They got into it and drove straight to the amusement park.

The landscapes outside the window were flashing. The tall buildings would be replaced by a park, then the park would immediately turn into a supermarket... Everything merged into one big mess, which could make your head sick.

- Eric, remind me to take you to the barbershop after the amusement park,- said Mom.

Eric took his eyes off the window and looked at the tall, slender woman in a gorgeous red coat. She was reading the paper.

- Mom,- Eric said to her, - and it wasn't good to read in the transport! It spoils the eyes!

Ludmila Lvovna looked at her son and smiled.

- Yes, of course, dear,- she agreed, putting the newspaper in her bag.

Finally, the bus arrived at the right stop. A friendly family got out and went to the park entrance. The amusement park was huge! What wasn't there? And the Ferris wheel, and merry-go-rounds, and slides, and different trays of food! The boy's eyes were scattered, and he couldn't decide where he wanted to go first.

- I suggest we go to the Ferris wheel,- my father winked, - from there, I hear you can see the whole city!

Eric nodded joyfully and rushed to the first attraction. The queue was huge. Well, what can I do about it? The first day of summer, and even on Sunday fell out! Of course, there will be a lot of people here.

The father was right. When it came to the family, and she sat in one of the stalls of the wheel, the space opened up to the whole city.

- I can see our home! - Eric pointed his finger at a small red building the size of a dot. - I just remembered that Andrei and I used to go for a ride here once...

The guy's stuck. The memory of his brother used to be a lot of pressure on his psyche. Now, when he thought of Andrei, the boy fell into despair, trying to forget about the past days. But how do you forget the oath you took a long time ago?

When the wheel was full circle, Eric had already figured out where to go next. He decided to go on a trampoline! And after the trampoline on the slides, and after the slides on the merry-go-round, and after the merry-round for ice cream...

And it's been a quiet day.

"Dear visitors, the amusement park is closing soon!" - The woman announced loudly.

- Let's go, - Mykola Borisovych called his son.

Eric jumped joyfully to the exit from the amusement park. This day was the best and most memorable in his life! But something shone blue next to the exit. The boy ran up to the shining object.

- Wow!- Eric was surprised, taking the mysterious thing off the ground. - How beautiful!

It was a dog-shaped stone. In Eric's hands, the stone glowed with a bright blue light.

- Somebody must have dropped it,- Father said.

- Can I keep it? - Eric prayed. - Please!

- Of course, take it,- Mom smiled, - if you like it so much.

The way home was quiet. Eric never went to the barbershop because he was very tired. To think it was nine o'clock in the evening! The day really flew by very quickly.

The continuation should be... https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5d9307495d636200aefad802/dog-the-history-of-a-pet-dog-5d94d1a0c49f2900b053b506