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Psychology. Motivation. Success

The focus of attention. Focus - the place or point where to focus.

source: https://pixabay.com
source: https://pixabay.com

The focus of attention and a sense of confidence.

When a person feels insecure, he concentrates on himself, on his feeling of insecurity. And the more he concentrates on the feeling of uncertainty - the more it becomes. It turns out a vicious circle. To break this circle, you need to shift the focus from yourself to others: take care of them. After all, the surrounding people are also people and can also experience a sense of uncertainty. So they need to support and make sure that they feel comfortable. And when you start to think about others, you will forget about your feeling of uncertainty.

Recommendation: learn to think no longer about yourself, but about others. Take care of them (do they feel confident), be interested in them (and how do they manage it so?).

Focus, love, fear.

If attention freely runs around on things and people, anywhere especially not lingering, no one especially not committing - for human nothing meaningful, in including beloved - there is no. If the attention is focused on something, there is a significant: favorite or terrible. Or terribly favorite.

The boundaries of love are our subjective signs and boundaries, within which, with all the variety of manifestations, we say that it is still love. And beyond the borders is no longer love.

Loves or not? And I love - or just invented and trying to persuade myself? As inspect, if seriously-there is love or not? Is it love between us or something else?

Let these boundaries of love are subjective and not always easily verifiable, but they need to know. Sometimes they suggest very important things!

Household signs and common criteria

Nice to touch or not.

If it is pleasant to touch - it is not obvious that it is love, maybe just a nice person. But if you touch uncomfortable - there's no love.

Physical attraction.

In the first moment of meeting the unconscious impulse "to you", and you - to him. I want a third ("I can't look away"). I want to go: "You're a magnet!". It's hard to break up, come up with topics about what else to talk, come up with reasons to meet again. If it is not, there is no love. If there is-this closer to love, although can be and simply rapidly passing physical attraction.

Spiritual attraction.

My mind keeps going back to what he said. What color were her eyes and gentle hands. Spiritual attraction does often speak of love, but rather of falling in love.

Changing the vision of the world (three Life world)

If the soul is inspired by the sight of a loved one or the memory of it - we love. If the soul of nothing sounds, eyes are not animated, the face of boring - it seems the love is gone. If a person appears, and the world becomes brighter and happier - close to love. If the world somehow was (for example, gray), thus and remained-this man for you insignificant, unloved. However, if you have every day celebration, then phenomenon the most beloved already not will change nothing: you well and with him, and with other. Sometimes this circumstance creates problems...

What the soul sings

If the, that with man is happening, man understands as love - likely, he this considered love and will. If he understands what is happening to him as a mental or physical illness, or something else, but not as love-it will be difficult to convince him.

Where is the focus

If attention freely runs around on things and people, anywhere especially not lingering, no one especially not committing - for human nothing meaningful, in including beloved - there is no. If the attention is focused on something, there is a significant: favorite or terrible. Or terribly favorite. A strong sign of love-sharpened and not leaving attention-attention is to you. The power of love is measured in the distance that continue to feel (to feel) a loved one close. The greater the distance , the greater the love.

About whom care

If a person says that he loves, but in reality cares only about himself and his own, then it seems that he does not love you, but himself. If he cares about you - not obviously, that this love, but already closer. If he does it with real joy - it is love (). How deep the love is, how long it will last, is another matter.

Position I + I, or the position we

If the people in the street with all their personal positions and their interests, yet he lives himself and loves himself. If a person lives by common interests, it is much more like love. Even real love. three Love US and love Me plus Me

Love and infatuation

When people talk about the signs of love, they are actually more likely to talk about the signs of falling in love: the living attraction that makes the other person desirable and beautiful. If suddenly there is another question: is it love or infatuation, then the answers will be different.