What do you associate a pregnant woman with? Of course, with a huge stomach, in which the baby is located. However, in the first pregnancy, abdominal growth is often the latest in pregnancy. And if you have a second pregnancy when you have a stomach? Earlier, later or the same?
As a rule, such questions can arise in connection with the visibility of the interesting situation for others, or by checking whether the second pregnancy complies with accepted standards. The interest is clear and if you are going to make assumptions about how to know the sex of the future child by belly shape, at least, bearing two children, you will already have some statistics. And, finally, this question should be clarified in order to know by what time it is worth to take care of clothes for pregnant women. Reasons for wanting to get this information a lot, and we will try to get as much information as possible.
Abdominal growth rate in the first pregnancy
Of course, not only because of the baby's height, but it is also important. In addition, the timing of growth of the uterus itself, and the amount of amniotic water, and the constitution of the woman.
In the first pregnancy, the beginning of the abdominal enlargement is about the fourth - fifth month, it's about 16 or 18 weeks of pregnancy. As a rule, the slender women's position in this period becomes obvious if the clothes fit the body, but the more magnificent ladies can "hide" almost until the very exit to the maternity leave, or rather to 23-25 weeks of pregnancy. And although the growth rate of the uterus in women with different physiques is identical, the visual effect is very different. What does the growth of the abdominal circumference depend on during pregnancy?
On what the growth of the abdomen depends
As a rule, several factors are important for the growth of the abdominal circumference. It is they that influence both the number of centimeters added to the volume and the visual component.
The size of the baby. If the child has a rich body composition, which is easily diagnosed by ultrasound, the size of the abdomen will be slightly larger. As the baby grows and his environment grows, and accordingly - and the stomach of the future mother.
The size of the uterus itself. Throughout the pregnancy, it increases evenly, and if before pregnancy the weight of this reproductive organ does not exceed 60-100 grams, then by the end of the process of carrying a baby uterus weighs about 900-1200 grams, which is almost 10 times more.
The amount of amniotic water. The growth of their volume is very uneven, and different women may have different amounts of amniotic water.
It would seem that all reasons for abdominal growth are rational and understandable. However, there are differences in the fact that the second pregnancy, when the stomach appears, will develop according to the scenario of your first experience.
Features of abdominal growth in the second pregnancy
After the first birth of the woman, there were changes in her body, which can no longer be changed. It is these factors that will influence the course of the second and subsequent pregnancies. This fact refers to the problem of growth of the abdominal circle, transforming into two regularities:
- On average, the growth of the abdomen is noticeable almost a month earlier, respectively, and the people around you will be able to notice your interesting situation in a shorter period of time. This is due to the fact that after the birth of the firstborn uterus is increased. It has not been reduced to its original state, and this is normal. That's why the stomach will start to protrude from the twelfth week if the pregnant woman has a lean physique. But you a month earlier you can engage others in such an exciting activity, how to know the sex of the future child by the look and shape of your stomach.
- In addition, the stomach itself becomes lower than its position in the first pregnancy. After all, the previous time the muscles of the pelvic floor, stomach, as well as the ligaments were strongly stretched, and thus - became weaker and unable to hold the baby in a higher position. This has its advantages - it becomes easier for a pregnant woman to breathe, she suffers less from heartburn, and minus - more pressure on the pelvic bones and the lower backbone. A good bandage is able to save the position.
Regarding the shape of the abdomen can also be said that if the first pregnancy is acute and high, especially in women with a narrow pelvis, then later on in the second pregnancy becomes somewhat saggy, gentle. This can confuse those who believe predictions about how to know the future sex of the child by sight and roundness of the abdomen - if the first time everyone suspected you had a boy, the second pregnancy you will often promise a girl. Lower the stomach for the second time also much later.
How sooner does the abdomen appear: Statistics
If we analyze the statistics, women noted that the second pregnancy, when the abdomen appears early, is more noticeable to others. But also assessing the changes in their own body women in most cases noted that the noticeable appearance of the abdomen was 4-6 weeks earlier than the first pregnancy.
Normal variations and deviations from it
In addition to the natural desire to know if you have a second pregnancy when you have a stomach, there are objective reasons for getting this information. And this is not a way to know the sex of a future child. Most likely, the growth of the abdomen will be of interest to your doctor to assess the normal course of pregnancy.
You remember that for the first time, doctors regularly measured the length and circumference of the abdomen with a centimeter ribbon. This was done in order to assess the rate of uterine enlargement and to compare it with the standards of the available term. Deviation from these norms may indicate both the emerging problems and individual peculiarities of the woman's body in general and the course of this particular pregnancy in particular.
That is why if the growth of the uterus corresponds to the established term, the appearance of the abdomen should not disturb you in any way in terms of your health and the health of the baby. Grow big!