The list includes not only the books of prominent psychologists but also the classics of literature
Most people are characterized by the fear of "being different" - it is not always pleasant to stand out from the crowd, especially when it comes to some shortcomings in their appearance. All this causes a lot of problems, from shyness to real depression due to dissatisfaction with life. A good help in the adoption of the famous book by R.J. Palacio "Miracle", which recently was shot a film with Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson. The story of how a boy who, because of his illness, has an unusual and even repulsive face, looking for (and finds) friends at school, infects people with sincere optimism and gives strength not to despair even in the most difficult life situations.
The ideal book for reading with children or for independent viewing. As you know, many people, even in adulthood, can not cope with the fear of darkness and this hurts. Helena Kharashtova has invented a book that can finally help solve this eternal problem and overcome fear: the publication is beautifully illustrated, and most importantly, this book is interactive. Terrible monsters who live in the dark, turn in front of the reader in a floor lamp or a pile of linen with the help of light movements of the hand. In general, a great way to debunk myths in a couple of seconds.
Even the most conscientious people sometimes face a conflict of personal interests and social norms of conduct. Stereotypes that exist around us sometimes prevent us from living, and not all people find the strength to resist peace. In the old days, however, it was even harder and intolerance was much stronger than it is today. Nathaniel Hawthorne's book "The Scarlet Letter" will be able to inspire us to fight for our happiness - against the whole world. A classic of American literature tells the story of a woman who gave birth to a child out of wedlock and has an affair with a priest. In the puritanical world, both were unacceptable, for which she was ostracized. Despite all the humiliation and tragedies (and the book is very dramatic), the main character does not lose faith in the correctness of their behavior and the final novel is not broken - a real example to follow.
Everyone who took up creative work is familiar with the same "mortal fear of white paper" about which Anna Akhmatova wrote. To stop being afraid of failure and finally take up the realization of his hidden (or obvious) potential, it is worth reading the book "The Path of the Artist". Julia Cameron is a professional talent consultant, making her famous throughout America. The secret of her work is that she does not get into empty reasoning on the subject of creativity - no, as a real expert, Julia gives practical and practical advice on self-development. The book is easy to read and written in clear, understandable language, so be sure to take a closer look at it.
Julian Barnes is a living classic of English literature. His books are published all over the world, and at the age of 72 he continues his active creative work. A subtle psychologist and deep philosopher, winner of the Booker Prize, Barnes in one of his most famous novels "Looking at the sun" argues about what kind of life can be called successful and what kind of - not. Telling the story of her heroine, who had a very difficult childhood and in the future did not have any personal happiness or career, the master nevertheless elegantly proves that all this is not so important - there are no unsuccessful lives: each fate is unique, and the pleasure even of everyday trifles is worth waking up in the morning and getting out of bed. "Looking at the sun" - a brilliant novel for those who are afraid in this century of successful people to be on the second roles and be known as "loser". We are sure that Barnes won't recommend anything bad.
The book by the wonderful American psychotherapist Irwin Yale will help to cope with the main fear that is inherent in every person in the world - the fear of death. The publication contains various stories of real Yala patients trying to cope with this phobia, as well as thoughts and advice of the psychotherapist himself on a given topic. It is worth noting that in this book, Irwin has perfected his skills as a storyteller, and therefore to read his original novels is insanely interesting, and most importantly, really useful. Here you will not see long philosophical reasoning, and lyrical retreats will not bore you. As an example - a small quote from the text: "Yes, I know that my existence is nearing its end, but the end was always from the beginning. The difference is that I now cherish the pleasure of knowing it exactly, and I was lucky enough to share it with my wife, whom I have known most of my life.
It is very difficult to live with the fear of treason, relationship failure or family breakdown, and yet many people are constantly afraid that their loved ones might not do the best they can. The book by the famous Moscow writer Maria Metlitskaya was created to"work out" such a situation. The main character of the novel changes her husband, and she tries to adapt to the new conditions, to understand how to live on. The author must show the situation in the eyes of women and men, and this gives the book volume. The text is written in excellent language, that today is not so often, and this is another reason to read the novel.