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Pseudoscience: pros and cons (Part 5)


The man who ruled the time

There's no deception or hoax in that name. It is about a man who, using his amazing capabilities, could carry out the movement of, for example, an ordinary student in the XVII or XIX century.

It was not only a retrochronous movement, but also a reincarnation. The subject became one of the outstanding people of the past. He could be surrounded by other people known to us from history, could talk to them, agree, argue, etc. Similar "operations" with students were carried out by psychologist V.L. Raikov. And it happened so.

Using usual methods, he put the young man in a state of hypnosis, and then suggested to him that he... Repin. Nothing more or less! The young man, five minutes ago a first-year student of the Pedvuza, was transformed beyond recognition. His gaze, which became sniper-eyed, literally drilled into the model and immediately absorbed a piece of paper attached to the easel. A face detached, the movements are surprisingly accurate, bold, as if verified by long experience. A pencil that slides easily over the paper...

It is noteworthy that V.L. Raikov repeatedly helped those who experienced difficulties in communication, experienced what in the theatrical and musical art is called the fear of the stage, uplifted the mood and instilled confidence in people who found themselves in a difficult situation in a situation that seemed to them hopeless.

The universe in your bedroom, or how physicists argue with "pseudo-scientists

In the middle of the 20th century, the scientist Charles Misner from the University of Maryland developed a model of the so-called simplified universe, which had all the components necessary for time travel. (Time travel is known to be another favourite theme in pseudoscience.)

The Space of Minner is an idealized space in which, for example, your bedroom becomes the whole universe.

Let us describe the essence of this phenomenon. Let each point on the left wall of the bedroom be identical to the corresponding point on the right wall. This means that if you go towards the left wall and don't stop in time, you won't break your nose into the blood, but will pass through the wall and reappear from the right wall. This means that in a sense the left and right walls are connected cylindrically. In addition, the dots on the front wall of the house are identical to the dots on the back wall, and the dots on the ceiling are identical to the dots on the floor.

Thus, going in any direction, you will pass through one of the bedroom walls and return to it again. You cannot get out of it. In other words, your bedroom is truly the whole universe!

Next, looking at the left or right wall, you will see that it is, in fact, transparent and on the other side of this wall is an exact copy of your bedroom. In this other bedroom there is your exact clone, although you can only see his back, but never his face. If you look up or down, you will also see exact copies of yourself.

Essentially, there is an infinite sequence of exact copies of yourself, standing in front, behind, below and above you. Getting in touch with yourself is difficult. Every time you turn your head to look at the faces of clones, you find that they turn away too, so you can't see their faces.

But if the bedroom is small enough, you can stick your hand through the wall and grab the clone in front of the wall by the shoulder. You may be shocked by the fact that the clone behind you also reached out and grabbed you by the shoulder. Similarly, you can stretch out your arms to the right and left by grabbing the clones standing on the left and right, and then you will have an endless sequence of yourself holding hands.

In fact, you have stretched out across the universe to grab your own shoulder. (It is not advisable to harm your clones. If you take the gun and point it at the clone in front of you, you may want to reconsider your position, because the clone in the back also aims at you!)

In 1992, theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking tried to resolve the issue of time travel once and for all. He was instinctively against time travel; for if time travel was as common as Sunday picnics, then we would have to see tourists from the distant future who would stare at us and take pictures.

Hawking had carefully studied the space of Minner. He noted the fact that it is unstable in terms of both classical and quantum mechanics. For example, if you point the flashlight beam at the left wall, the beam will gain energy each time it appears from the right wall.

This beam will acquire a blue bias - that is, it will contain more and more energy, until it becomes infinite, and it is no longer possible. Or the lantern beam will acquire such amount of energy that it will create its own incredibly strong gravitational field, which will compress the bedroom/portal.

Thus, the portal will shrink if you try to pass through it. Also, numerous effects of radiation create deviations that ruin the time traveler and close the portal.

To be continued in the next part https://zen.yandex.ru/profile/editor/id/5d9330af8600e100b06bbabe/5d94faefe4fff000ad00b233/edit