Colonel Wirth's star and death
The sorcerer's story was really amazing. Especially about the spell of exchange.
- Surprisingly.
- Yes, it is amazing. Maybe you can tell us what kind of girl kissed you there without closing her eyes?
- What does this have to do with a girl who was, well, kissing... What kind of kindness did I do them there?! No, don't let anybody say that the Phantom of the Opera takes an advance in vain! First of all, I left your Zorro without an enemy, who would he fight? And people need to be in uniform, curse someone... Well, it is impossible so, though I love infinitely, I would appropriate to myself!
"Even though you changed your mask, you're still a faggot," something like that, apparently, was washed through a gag by a prisoner.
- But the people are to some extent sorry, let them plow not for the sake of ploughing, but with meaning. But the gentleman needs a little push, he is not inclined to non-standard solutions. And in this we will be helped by Signora Guidichelli, let him work out his witchcraft!
On the way to the plan, there was a beautiful vision with a curious look.
- Oh, what are you pulling?
- Meg, what do you care!
- Well, show me...
- It's Carlotta in general, step back.
- Is Carlotta already ordering escort services directly from the Opera House? Didn't our prima donna go crazy?! Or will you say that I see a poodle?
- Meg, I'll explain everything later.
With her lips inflated, her hands folded under her corsage, Meg Girie mumbled insultingly: "Well, that's the way things are always in life, for someone, despite the filth and b... the gun, it's all diamonds, fur couplings, and a gorgeous guy with a delivery to the dressing room, and what do I get except for the diet and mustaches?! Fuck them, stones and furs, but why don't I have a macho like that with a military reference and a murderer's look, huh? Didn't I even deserve a little dream? And Christine, her friend, too - Viscount to her, the Ghost and that she, in the cemeteries of love spins, life is fireworks, and I - as oatmeal on the water without salt.
The colonel suspected something wrong, but still, his fantasy couldn't go that far. They tied him up - it's understandable. The door was closed - well, no wonder.
- Here are my suggestions for reorganizing the work of the colony of New Aragon," waving the manuscript meticulously, Phantom checked the fasteners on the victim's legs and arms. - You will find them reasonable and profitable, I'm sure when you get acquainted. I will briefly read out some of the points... Cristina, is Signora Guidichelli not at the Opera House yet?
- No, we have half an hour.
- Oh! I will settle down. So. First, mine. Breakthrough to the people, feed them, drink them, guard them, and the efficiency is equal to five percent. Even cruelty and arbitrariness should at least follow the rules of self-accounting. Ore is rich, open-pit mining, I sketched out a car drawing, but you can make a toilet bowl out of silver soon. But of course, it would be better to buy chernozem. There is no place to sow and grow stupidly.
After ten minutes of presentation of the business plan, the colonel who could not withstand this kind of torture managed to break two ropes and break a good lever. The phantom moved on to the taxation system, but then Christine gave a conditional signal.
Carlotta broke into her dressing room in such a rage that she first demolished half the room, and only then noticed some... An addition to the interior. On the mirror, the last L'Oreal collection's durable lipstick and the Ghost's clear handwriting was displayed:
"Signora, while respecting your grief over an unpleasant incident with your lawful spouse, I took the liberty of taking the first step towards reconciliation by giving you an unusual gift. I hope you will change your anger to mercy and we will heal again as a friendly opera company as before. I will remain your enemy forever, strangling and exterminating, with my hands full, the Phantom of the Opera.
P.S. Do not untie at least the first couple of hours, the animal is uncouth and in unfamiliar surroundings is capable of everything with determination.
With her hand in her thigh, La Carlotta studied the gift closely. During this time, the colonel, not straining, read in the eyes of the red lady unprecedented in the cruelty of the sentence. The only thing left to do was to meet his fate with dignity.
- "Able to do anything"? - The singer purred. - Ha! Thank you, Ghost, but you don't know what Carlotta can do!
Wertha looked at death in the face more than once but didn't know she had a name. However, it didn't matter anymore.
to be continued ...