Lord Seyran's house. Everyone is getting ready for the wedding of Miss Kiki and Mr. Shisame. The servants are running everywhere and preparing the hall for the ceremony.
Kiki sits on a chair in front of a large hold. The maid is already finishing her hair. This was the final touch for the wedding gown.
- Miss Kiki, I'm done.
- Thank you. You can go now.
- As you say, Ms. Seyran, all the maids left her room and closed the door. She looked at herself in the mirror. It reflected the beautiful young girl dressed in a snow-white dress. The length of the dress was only ten centimetres below the knee, and it turned into a long trail at the back. There were emerald earrings in her ears, and an emerald pendant on her neck. Hair was woven into a beautiful hairstyle that was covered by a veil. There were white shoes with a small heel on their feet, as well as white golf shoes that reached the knee. When she was done looking at herself, they knocked on the door.
- Come in.
- Well, hello, my daughter. You look great.
- Father, good to see you. - Count Seyran was wearing a white suit. The shirt and shoes were white and the tuxedo, pants and butterfly were ivory.
- It was time to go.
- He reached out to her and she took up his elbow. Not forgetting the wedding bouquet on the table, which consisted of white lilies, they went to the hall. And so Kiki walks down the red carpet to the altar holding his father's hand. When she reached the goal, she let go of his hand and approached the priest. Her future husband stood next to her. He was wearing a white wedding costume. His black hair was beautifully styled and his face was smiling with a smile of happiness. How long he wanted it, how long he wanted it. And now it finally happened. She glimpsed the room with a glimpse. It was decorated with white roses and lilies everywhere. The guests were sitting in specially designated places. Kiki looked at all the faces and noted that they did not come. A serious face that did not express any emotion distorted the sadness. Friends are called. They said that they would always be there for them, and they didn't even come to the ceremony. The voice of the priest knocked her out of her mind.
- We are gathered here to join the young couple in holy matrimony. Miss Kiki Seyran and Mr. Shisame Turgisa. If any of those present against this marriage should speak now or remain silent for the rest of their lives.
- I am against it.
Three hours ago.
The second prince was preparing for the wedding of one of his knights. After all, Kiki sent an invitation to him, Obi, Shirajuki and Mitsuhide a week ago.
- Mitsuhide.
- Yes, sir.
- And you're just gonna let that happen?
- What? The young man's face distorted the surprise.
- Just like that, would you let Kiki marry Shisama?
- What's wrong with that? - he didn't know where Zen was going.
- You love her, don't you? I know.
- Mitsuhide was very surprised. He didn't expect such a trick.
- No. Why would you think that? She was just a friend.
- No. That's not true.
- Wisteria sounded confident.
- Maybe.
- Not possible, but true. I have been watching you for a very long time. You're in love with her, but you won't admit it. Why not?
- I am not a couple or equal. She is so incredible. I am the daughter of the Count and I am, and what I am. I'm just a regular guard.
- And that. But she loves you too. Why not just confess?
- I don't know.
- Mitsuhide's face showed that he was completely confused.
- We'll get her back. Or rather you.
- What?!
- Yes, yes, yes.
- And how do you propose to do that? The wedding is today.
- We will ruin it. And you will steal the bride.
- What?! Your Majesty, you are inadequate. Maybe you have a fever?
- No. I have a plan.