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The park was even more transformed when Pavlovsk became the imperial residence. Architect V.Brenna (1796-1801) expanded the palace. He built a large stone staircase, which connected the Palace district with Slavyanka, and also created a number of regular compositions: Big circles, Old and New Silvia.

During the work of the architect P. Gonzago (1801-1825) two new districts were created - the White Birch and the Parade Field, which occupied about half the area of the entire ensemble. They were located on a flat plain, in their structure there is neither a sculpture, nor architectural constructions, and in the area of the White birch there is no water spaces. The beauty and expressiveness of the appearance of these areas was achieved only due to the precise distribution of arrays, groups and individual trees and the skillful combination of their species. When constructing landscapes, P. Gonzago used the method of theatrical scenery, having plantings on the principle of their structure. The area of the White Birch was created by cutting down the forest massif, which almost entirely consisted of coniferous trees. On their dark background, the colour of the leaves and the shape of the crowns stood out as birch trees and single specimens of oak trees. The area of the Parade Field, on the contrary, was created in the way of planting on the site of a dusty parade. The front field among other areas was distinguished by a variety of tree and bush species.

Among the landscape parks of Russia it is necessary to mention also the palace-park complex in Gatchina, created in the second half of the HUSH in Russia. It consists of three parks: the Palace Park, the Priory Park and the Zvarinets Park. The composite core of the whole complex is the natural water system formed by flowing lakes: Glukhim, Black, White, Silver and the rivers Gatchina and Kolpanka.

The palace park, park buildings and palace have a common style (classicism) and are built of homogeneous material - local stone. Among the vegetation the main role belongs to white willow, pine and spruce. The idea of combining decorative woody groups with the water surface of lakes is embodied here.

Several stages are clearly visible in the creation of the park and the palace. Parks of the 1770s (Arch. Rinaldi and garden masters: J. Bush, Gekket, Shparro) are picturesque in layout and rich in diverse vegetation, planted taking into account the large water areas.

In the 1780-1790s ("Pavlovsky period"), separate sections received a regular construction - gardens: Own, Lower and Upper Dutch, Botanical, "Sylvia", the heads of works were. Brenna, garden masters J.Gekket and F.Helmholtz.

Numerous bridges, terraces, spectacular stone staircases, eagle pavilions, Venus pavilions and a birch house were created in the parks. Birch and Admiralty Gates, forest greenhouses and a birdhouse were built of local limestone. The zembitic Prioryat palace (arch.N.A. Lvov), reminiscent of a medieval castle, is unique in its technique.

Among the best landscaped suburban parks of St. Petersburg there are also "Alexandria" park and Lugovoy park in Peterhof. A special place is occupied by the ensemble of Oranienbaum parks. Here is located the Lower Park of Petrovskiy Vremya, Catherine P's own villa (arch.A.Rinaldi) - a unique example of the transition period from regular to landscape parks.