From these words, Cazo walked into Shirajuki's room without asking, and held it to himself, closing the door with a key.
-What are you doing? I will scream... - The girl didn't have time to finish, because Cazo closed her mouth and pulled her to the bed.
-Miss Shirayuki's resistance is useless, -Cazo said sweetly.
At the same time, Zen was walking into Shirayuki's room.
-Snow White? - Zen asked without opening the door.
-Are you here?
-Shut up! - Cazo said and put her mouth in her mouth.
For a second, Snow White fulfilled his wish, but only when she felt that Cazo had relaxed his hand did she start screaming. When the prince heard the shouting, he rushed to break the door down. As the young man was endowed with a strong body, he briefly knocked down the door with his foot. He quickly ran up to Cazo and grabbed his hair and started beating him. Now Zen was letting out all the anger that was in him. After 3 minutes Cazo was beaten.
In Isana's quarters, Lilias Castle.
-Zen, what do you think you're doing? - shouting in Isan's full voice.
-You beat up a pharmacist's pupil. Are you Snow White? You could have stopped Xena, right?
-Snow White had nothing to do with it! - said Zen harshly.
-This Cazo was detained for 5 years!
-You could have called security!
-He could, but until she came, everything would have gone much further!
-How do I look my fiancée in the eye now? What will her family think of us? - I asked her something like Izana had cooled down.
-I will explain the situation to them myself!
The throne room, Lilias Castle.
-I apologize for this incident, - Zen began by addressing the rulers of Lilias.
- Just one student crossed the line and started to call on the court pharmacy teacher and I...
-We understood, - The ruler said.
-We do not blame you. You are free to do so.
In Isana's quarters, Lilias Castle.
-Brother, - Zen shouted as he opened the door.
-I talked to the rulers of Lilias.
-And what did they say? - King Clarins asked.
-It's all right. The wedding is still on.
-Fuh, - Isan said with relief.
-You can go there... And by the way, this Cazo was sentenced to life imprisonment and... My wedding will take place the day after tomorrow.
-The day after tomorrow? You could have warned early!
-Mog! But ...
-What "but"?
-Go on, defender - laughing, Izan answered.
The evening came. It's 8:00 p.m. at the clock. The darkness enveloped the cold city. Isana decided to get some air and went out into the garden. Walking through the night garden, Izana noticed a red top. It was Snow White, of course. He slowly approached the girl from his sleep without saying a word.
-Good evening, Snow White! - Izana said.
-Your Majesty? Good evening, - The girl was embarrassed.
-What are you doing here at this dark time of year?
-I've decided to get some air, haven't you?
-It's the same. Well, I hope you don't mind keeping me company, - Isan asked.
-Company? Okay, then.
-By the way, - Izan continued the dialogue.
-This Cazo was sentenced to life imprisonment.
-Yes, and also... I'm sorry I yelled at you.
-That's okay. It's okay. Everything is okay.
-Uh... You know we're here to meet my fiancée's family, right?
-It turned out that the wedding would take place the day after tomorrow, and you were invited there as a friend of Tamborun's crown.
-Well, if you don't mind, I'll be there.
-I think there will be two brides in our family soon, - said Isana in almost a whisper.
-Excuse me, what?
-Good night, Snow White.
-Oh, yeah, calm.
Today everyone was preparing for the wedding of Isana and Khaki. Of course, Isana left for Clarines, and Zeni and Haruto stayed in Lilias. Snow White's stay in Lilias was also over, but she stayed there because Zen decided so.
In Haruto's chambers.
-Mom, - Zen said.
-Today I want you to meet someone, - The heir said with a little embarrassment.
-With whom? - The queen asked, combing her hair.
-I hope with my future wife.
-Wife, huh?
-Wife, huh? Who is she? Is she a countess? Or a princess?
-You'll soon find out.