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Murray found the owner



The door was open, and the cat walked into the small kitchen without fear. There was an old man sitting on a stool at the table, whose nose was trying to reach his upper lip. Moore rubbed himself against his legs, mewing amicably, and leaned against the hallway, where he was already standing a ready cart with a simple scarf. It turned out to be a trifle thing to make the master feel sorry for the fact that a saucer and milk appeared from somewhere.

Bipedal immediately began his monologue:

- They killed my purple, so you immediately lost your way! Okay, here's a piece of kosher meat for you. Soon there will be a shooting here too, and it is unlikely that anything will survive, and we will have to run. Oh, Rabbi Wedjamin was the smartest man! At the dawn of my youth, he said to me, "James, your cart must always be ready. Take care of your feet - you will need them again!

Having said that, the old man smoked a wonderful cherry tree pipe. Filling everything around him with smoke, James raised his finger and Moore listened to him with his most attentive face.

- When I was a baby, my parents from Budapest came to Bavaria. And in the thirty-seventh - I remember it well - the shop, the books, the house - everything was abandoned again. And again my legs helped! Geneva, Zagreb, finally, Sarajevo. And now we have to run away from here. Rabbi - God rest his soul! - He said then: "James, remember: no matter how much junk you grow, no matter how much peace your ass demands, be ready! Do not anger God, but take care of your feet most of all. They will save you more than once, and not twice.

Muri was attentive, and the old man was ready to continue:

- Rabbi told me: "Promise the fools everything, please them with bikes and stories about the land you will bring to, but don't be deceived by yourself. Remember the bitter truth and accept it as it is. And the only truth is that the meaning of our whole sad life is eternal running!

The cat hated tobacco smoke, but now it is gone on devotion and stuck to the old man's feet. And James told the most intimate story:

- I'll take my fools to Munich. And I will send those who are more fortuitous to America. It is impossible to say that there is a true paradise, but still it is possible to get caught ... And then there will be a tramp from there! - The old man laughed hoarsely and coughed, knocking out the tube. - Because, right, that's what God decided: since Ezra's time, we've been thrown around the world back and forth... And you, a tiny little thing," he said to Muri, putting a yellow tobacco heel on the lord's head, "you stay tied to those who feed you. And after the breadwinners disappear, you dream, not knowing what to do ... I am ready to stumble upon any corner. A small, pathetic cat.

- You fool!" Moore snorted, looking the old man in the eye with devotion. - Do you want to teach me!

However, he kept flipping around and making that barely audible crackle, which fascinates the two-legged.

- It's a pity not to put you on the cart," James said. - I'd take care of you, you'd remind me of my purple.

"If you don't put me in a basket, I'll go in there myself, you old fool," thought Moore.

After that, he jumped Jacob on his knees, curled up with a ball and dozed off for his pleasure. Jacob, afraid to move and scare the creature, sat until morning, trying not to shake his knees.

In the morning, the old man still decided to take the alien with him. What was his surprise when Moore willingly lay down on the bottom of a spacious basket.

- I didn't think you couldn't escape," mumbled James. And without even closing the doors of the house, he rolled the cart to the gate.

Ah, how the housekeeper was busting behind his back, how he was swinginging from side to side, how he was bawling and beggingly asking to stay. Of course, James had not heard him. All the more so, there were more unfortunate cries in the street, where the belongings of Moses's newcomer tribesmen gathered with their belongings: honorable family fathers, young men, old women, boys, girls with nodules, trolleys and suitcases. The frightened children were hunched on trolleys and on men's shoulders. They couldn't even bark while the adults were howling. And there was no lack of tears in the women's walls - the cheeks of the noble Jews were generously irrigated with tears.
