The Summer Garden preserves the Emperor's Summer Palace (arch. D.Trezzini), the Coffee House (rebuilt in 1826 by Arch.K.I.Rossi from the Grotto of the 18th century), the Tea House (1827 by Arch.L.I.Charles Man). In 1773-1786 a fence was installed on the Neva side (Archbishops Yu.M. Felten, P.E. Egorov, T.I. Nasonov). In the 1820s there was a fence from the side of Moika (architect L.I.Charlemagne, original by P.P.Bazen). In 1797-1796 a stone terrace was built along the Lebyazhie Canal (arch. G.P.Pilnikov). In 1839, on the bank of the Karpiyiv Pond (opened in 1714-1716), a decorative vase of Ellfdal porphyry was installed under the direction of V.I.Demut-Malinovsky, presented by the Swedish King Charles XIU to Emperor Nicholas I.
As for the regular park in Peterhof (now Petrodvorets), it is a monument of garden art of world importance. It was laid on the shore of the Gulf of Finland a little later than the Summer Garden in 1710. Its formation began from the south side of the Grand Palace, when the Upper Garden with five fountains (including "Neptune") was built on the natural estuary facing the sea, and the Lower Park with the world's largest complex of fountains was built on the northern side of the palace (22 km long waterway from 1721 to 1724 was built by Ing.V.Tuvolkov). Peterhof's composition is based on the opposition of the Upper Garden (15 hectares), which is considered as the lobby of the park and the magnificent Lower Park (102 hectares).
The decorative foot of the palace is used: A large grotto with cascades framing it. The large cascade in the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries was decorated with fountains and lead, then gilded bronze statues by F. Shchedrin, F. Shubin, I. Martos, I. Prokofiev, bas-reliefs of K. - B. Rastrelli, vases based on drawings by Arch. A large cascade descends to the "ladle" pool, in the center of which is a monumental statue of Samson, tearing the lion's jaw (sculptor M.I.Kozlovsky). A powerful stream of water comes out of the lion's mouth. After the war, in 1947 the statue was recreated by the sculptor V.L.Simonov.
Direct alleys diverge from the Great Cascade. Two alleys with fountains, framing the canal, go north from the "ladle" to the sea. The radial alleys lead northwest to the Eva Fountain and Hermitage Pavilion and northeast to the Adam Fountain and the Montplaisir Palace Complex. The palace itself also had a garden with five fountains. Along the Lower Park there are three alleys converging on the west to the Marley Palace. The access canal is the main element of the central planning axis that goes into the endless space of the Gulf of Finland - a purely Russian phenomenon. In conclusion, it should be noted that at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries a number of landscape parks with palaces and pavilions were laid down in Peterhof.
Back in the times of Peter the Great the construction of a regular garden and park ensemble in Tsarskoye Selo (now Pushkin) began. In 1719-1743 the palace was created here and the garden in the form of terraces was built. On the first pillar there are flower beds surrounded by maple trellis. On the sides of the flower beds there are bosquettes. On the second pillar there are covered alleys, on the third there are two identical rectangular reservoirs. In the lower part of the garden there was a section with a radial layout of the alleys.
In 1743-1760, under Elizabeth Petrovna, the regular layout was perfected by architects A.V.Kvasov, S.I.Chevakinsky, V.V.Rastrelli. On the place of the Old Garden (the area of about 30 hectares) instead of flower gardens, parterres are arranged, all wooden frames are removed, paths are expanded. The garden increases. The Hermitage Grove joins it. Around the same time the New Garden was laid down, but the layout was not completed and in 1761 the work was suspended. In the middle of the HUSH century the park was decorated with a number of pavilions: the Hermitage, the Monbiza, the Grotto and others. At the same time, a sculpture appeared in it, and later - decorative structures and monuments in honor of the victories of the Russian army and navy. The Tsarskoye Selo Regular Ensemble is an interesting example of a garden solution without large water spaces. Prospects rested on the area, which did not have special attractiveness. The nature of its structure differs from the methods of Peter's time. It seemed to be encircled around the central palace core, from which the prospects for the Old and New Gardens opened up. The garden and park ensemble of Tsarskoye Selo influenced the construction of many gardens on the Moika Embankment in St. Petersburg, Moscow estates, etc.
The middle of the HUSH century was also marked by the construction of gardens and parks in the Moscow region. First of all, it is Kuskovo, an ancient patrimony of the Sheremetyevs' boyars. Almost all the buildings here were designed by the serf architect F.S.Argunov (hereinafter referred to as D.V.Ukhtomsky and Y.Kologrivov). The garden compositions had the following features: firstly, the garden was surrounded by an earthen shaft and canals and consisted of three parts. In the center there was a parterre with sculptures, ending with a greenhouse, standing against the palace; secondly, on the edges of the central open space there were symmetrically located bosquettes, inside there were park pavilions; thirdly, a canal (1751) with a length of 300 m, which opened a view of the Vyshnyakovskaya church of the HUP in. At one time the canal was decorated with a white-stone wall with cascade fountains.
The impression of isolation was created by the lack of connection between the palace and the pond. In this respect, the composition of Kuskovo is close to the regular part of Tsarskoye Selo Park. The position of the manor and Vishnyakovskaya churches, the isolation of the canal from the central axis of the garden violate the similarity of this ensemble with the grand Peter's residences. However, the influence of park builders in St. Petersburg in a number of buildings of the park is clearly visible. The ensemble also included the Summer Green Theatre, which had excellent acoustics.
"to be continued in the next part"