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World of shadow

I turn around and tell you in all seriousness because to a certain extent my words are true:

- I don't know. However, I absolutely, absolutely, absolutely do not know. Well, if I stopped being a better brother to be a worse brother at a time, why can't I change my attitude towards my sister's best friend? - The adult bristle is pierced under the cushions of my fingers stronger than usual. - Yes, I admit, I must have crossed the line. But I can't standstill. If I start to think, I can't bear it.

Lyonell, who was in front of me all this time, stood up and was friendly and trembling on his hair, putting his hand on his shoulder.

Sweet and bitter at the same time. And only he can do that.

He's the best friend you can imagine. If necessary, he won't spare your life to help you, I know. But I am deceiving him.

I cheat because I understand that he is the only one who can not only help me but also resist.

- I've heard that you've never talked to Katherine before, but maybe you're replacing one concern with another. Until it's over, you can't look her in the eye, but the fact that you're not there makes you feel bad. And you've found a way not to take care of Maya. If so, I don't mind, even though I agree with you about wearing underwear and fast food, but keep in mind that she's turning her face around with her warm hands, you shouldn't fool her. She's probably lost now, maybe even with her parents by force. Katherine will come back and Maya won't be necessary, but for her, you will be the only straw that will make her float. She's not a puppy, so make sure she doesn't.

I mention it, and I think of myself, it's exactly what I'm going to get. Maya will be a little bitch, happily sitting at my feet with a carpet. And I'll remove the dirt from the soles as much as I want.

I'm not going to the hospital for the next few days: there's a lot of work to be done, so I have to work on Lyell's version of Corgi's show and blink before he gets out, so it can be fixed thanks to me.

The business partners have decided to show pseudo care and have entered into a contract with us under unfavorable conditions. At first glance. That, in fact, for one of the largest networks of pharmacies that were once our deliveries are now almost a lifeline, understand everything. And still smiling very well at each other, packaging "Parker" a piece of paper, going to the restaurant to celebrate this "significant" event, without forgetting to put photos on FB.

In general, lately, I have been inclined to expand cooperation with small entrepreneurs. For my father, it's a loose field, but he trusts me, and I..... I have a clear example in front of my eyes and I know exactly where to start.

"Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer.

With Corgi everything is much more complicated. I can not imagine where Lyell found this information, but it happened that the illegal, shitty for the same quality of medicine that provided not only Cone, but also a couple of unhappy businessmen. But the most interesting thing is not in whom, but in who was poisoned by these drugs.

Fox Sybill, in the dark world of London, is best known as Glock. General manager of all the large and small casinos in the city. And he has earned his nickname for his ability to deal quickly, efficiently and quietly with any problem, whether it be business or people. I don't know what they bought him for him, but after taking the "medicine" he had terrible diarrhea right in the middle of a meeting with some important mobsters. Lyell was very serious about it, but this was probably the first time I laughed at him in the last month. And then, sitting in the bathroom at night and reading more about Lyell's relationship, I also thought of giving him Corgi with offal. Judging by the way he dealt with those who had offended him.....

Lyale's pedantic is a pain in the ass! See, it's better not to mess with Sybil at all, but scaring Korgie to turn herself into the police is not a bad option. He turns around in the midst of all this scum, it's probably better than us to know that he'll be glowing if we burn his ass in front of Glock.

Well, let's let that be the way our great detective wants it. I've already lost my little fairy and, in case Corgi is stubborn, I'll do it my way and I don't care about reputation.