Andri smiled. The nanny often called him that. But what can I do if naughty hair tries to burst all the time, and sleep well enough - one of the favorite pleasures?
- Nanny, what's for breakfast today?
- Breakfast! You would sleep even longer! Lunch is almost over - she gave him a clean shirt with pants and strictly said: - Don't shawl at home today! My father is very busy. And I will cover your pancakes for breakfast. In the kitchen.
My father was really busy. Walking by the door to the office, Andri saw him leaning over a table with a mountain of papers. The professor's face was concentrated, and his hands quickly and quickly searched through one document after another. Part of the sheets of paper my father immediately ripped, dropping fragments directly on the floor, which he never allowed himself to. Part of the paperwork was placed in the open drawer of the table. When one stack of paper came to an end, Senior Goran immediately started the next one... On the floor, on the floor, on the table, on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, on the floor.
With one document my father stopped for a long time. Long white fingers squeezed and opened, tearing the edges of the sheet. Yodunom walked and chewing on the professor's face. Suddenly he looked up and noticed Andri, who was excited about what was happening.
- What was the matter? - The look behind the square windows was freezing.
Andri swallowed, feeling ashamed.
- Nothing... - He answered quietly. And then I found out," Antonia said, "that you're very busy... I wanted to close the door...
- Then cover it, please.
Andri nodded quickly and did what he was asked.
It was kind of bad at heart. And even promised pancakes were not too happy, contrary to the usual.
Something was happening, it is clear... But what?
What could make a good smiling father become such a... stranger?
- Your Majesty... I have to tell you that the heir does not pay due attention to my subject - the mentor's voice was squeaky, unbearably tedious. Alcus did not look at the old man, he stubbornly picked the handle of the chair and thought only about how to quickly leave the classroom. - His Highness again failed in the task I gave him yesterday. If this keeps up...
- That's enough.
The emperor raised his hand, silencing the mentor. Dad probably didn't like this voice either, which was better suited to the doors of the old closet.
His Majesty stood up and walked slowly through the office. His father's eyes were tired and his steps were hard. Finally, he stopped by the window, looking at the damp veil that enveloped the city.
- It rained again... What bad weather... - When the Emperor sighed, he turned to his son. - Alexander, was the task very difficult?
Alcus squeezed his lips. He did not want to lie, to tell the truth too.
- No. Not very much.
Now, according to all the rules, his father should have found out why his only heir so boldly neglected the lesson. However, the Emperor said something else...
- Al, tomorrow is the trial day. I think it's time for you to wear the Pearl Thread.
If your father had told you that a comet would fall on the palace tomorrow, Alec wouldn't have been so surprised!
- Me?! - he jumped out of his chair. - But you said I could only do it when I was sixteen!
Pearl thread! Wow!
Alexander fantasized a long time ago about how he would try on the role of a judge for the first time... But I didn't count on it before my father's deadline.
- I changed my mind - the Emperor held his palm on a flaky beard. Then I looked at the old mentor, who still stood at the stand with a faded look and was also waiting for the Emperor's answer. - Mr. Modest, I heard you. Next time Alexander will perform your task. Thank you, Mr. Modest. You can leave us alone.
The mentor, nodding finely, backed down to the door. Waiting for the tall white door with its gilded pattern to close behind him, the Emperor turned to his son again:
- My boy, come closer.
Alcus stepped quickly towards his father. The Emperor was tall and statue-like, just as a worthy ruler should. Next to him, Alexander always felt small... The emperor put his hand on his son's shoulder and gently clenched.
- You are a clever boy, Alcus. Smart, though careless. But laziness passes with the years, and the mind does not everyone manages to gain... - his father smiled, thinking about something of his own. - I don't want to scare you, son, but now it's time, to be honest. I'm not as sure about tomorrow as I used to be... So I want to be sure of you. Mathematics is a useful science, but for me, it is much more important that you learn to listen and hear. So I will give you the Pearl Thread today. Now.
Continuation in the next part 8.