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The universal fairy tale. Part 2.


Loneliness hasn't left Dusty, but the desire to get into a black hole seems to have faded. It wasn't pulling her anymore, it wasn't calling her. Only occasionally, usually at sunset, it returned with the same strength. But then it was released, when the star appeared on the horizon.

Watching the star, Dusty noticed the changes happening to the luminaire. The star was growing - this could not but please. The star grew up - these are the laws of the universe. But the light it emitted was just as soft and kind; one could even say melodic if the light could be heard.

Dust loved this star, although it did not understand it. She did not know what she could love. I could not imagine that such a great feeling as love, worthy only of the stars, could be born in a little gray Dusty.

And yet she felt inside herself some novelty, which is not yet connected with love. And something was lit up in it just when one side of the star - the darker side - was turned to it. Why? She didn't even ask that question - she didn't dare to murmur about her destiny. If that was the case, then that was the nature of the interstellar dust. To look for another explanation is to disagree with one's fate. And rebellion is unauthorized enough for a well-mannered celestial body.

So Dust seems to have found its place in the universe. I found something that she always lacked. And everything could have ended happily if it hadn't been for...

One day, Dust was brought out of a state of deep thoughtfulness by a strange flash. The system seemed to signal trouble: something strange and incomprehensible was happening to the star.

As the light moves from the center of the system to its outskirts for a long time, Dustylinka did not immediately see the explosion of the star, not immediately discern its consequences.

Strange processes taking place in the center of the system were hard and unpleasant. It seemed as if the star was splitting, torn and shattered. It seemed that it was about to explode and disappear forever.

The dustball wanted to explode too, to escape, to climb into the darkest and deepest black hole. It couldn't have been that all the happiness found by Dust in this system was still being destroyed! But happiness is fragile and not eternal. Everything is transient - it is also the law of the universe.

As it turned out, a small but significant part of the whole luminary separated from the whole. By the will of fate, this part was the side at the sight of which Dustyllinka's creature stopped. This blow was impossible to survive!

Now, this new incomplete shine no longer warmed so Dusty. It was almost as unnecessary to her like all the other stars. Later Dusty found out that this new celestial body was a neutron star: its luminosity soon weakened, the star cooled down very quickly. But Dusty didn't care about her.

Dust fell back into the uncertainty of the universe and began to wander again. She broke up with the system that had been her haven for so long without regret. And in the same way, some planets and most asteroids left the system. The incomplete luminary had less gravitational power and could not attract such a number of celestial bodies.

Now all this feeling of warmth and kindness was dispelled. Was it just a fairy tale, a sweet dream? Waking up was not only unexpected but also painful. And how will her fate develop now, if happiness was so close, and there is no ray of hope ahead?

It was not a ray of light. A whole sheaf of sparks rushed across the galaxy. Either an anomaly in the Universe or the birth of the Supernova star.

Rush there! An instant desire caught on fire inside Dustylinka. Giving herself to him, she flew through the tunnel again, at the end of which she saw light.

A star born again. The resurrection of the light and the resurrection of strange sensations. Love? It was her. A star named S*L*.

The part that separated from the star system became a new start with a complete retinue.

A new shelter, a new home. Once again, we can put an end to vagrancy. Will this state be just as short-lived? Or will things turn out differently now?

There were no more bright and dark sides. The warmth flowing from this Star was not only gentle and kind, it was bright and filled with incredible energy. Powerful waves of light were spilling over the entire system and beyond. Nothing like Dustyllinka has ever met, no matter how much she wandered through the universe. For her, it was a new and definitely happy phenomenon.

There is no more loneliness, no more boredom. And the main thing is that Dust stopped feeling like a jerk, a gray misunderstanding.

The cold fortress of misunderstanding, which had been around her for so long, now collapsed not in bricks but in whole walls: acquaintances, communication, intrigues, complex relationships - love, friendship, resentment, hatred, the ability to experience a variety of feelings ... This raised her in her own eyes.

Now Dusty could say with confidence that for her this system is a home, a nice house.

Here she was accepted, taken into account. One asteroid even became her friend... However, this is a completely different story.