Sarah walked quickly, passing several corridors several times and entering the numerous rooms, to see if her sister was in one of those, in the labyrinthine castle - with Merlin trying to keep up with her, not without some effort.
"My Lady, calm down, you will see that your sister will return soon".
Meanwhile, the rain increased and the girl didn't want the twin to catch a cold. Honey was big and vaccinated, and surely in that situation, she could get away with much better than she would have done, but that didn't stop her from worrying anyway.
He approached the window and sighed in dismay. When she returned to the room, after having consumed a delicious breakfast, she had expected to see the other sitting on the bed or listening to music, but Honey was not there, neither there nor anywhere else in the castle.
Sarah didn't understand what she was holding her sister for so long; it was true that they liked the rain, but being under it for a long time was not as pleasant, but it had to resign itself.
"You're right, Merlin, it's just waiting." Thank you for your support »acting instinctively, hugged the servant tightly, grateful for the simple fact that he kept her company.
The girl saw the other blush violently.
"N - there was no need to do it. No Real embraces his servant "..
"Don't talk nonsense, of course, you needed a hug. You're giving me precious help, staying here waiting for Honey; in fact, you're giving me your time, it's not for everyone. And then, a hug is one of the most beautiful things that can exist, moreover from where I come I don't have such clear social distinctions »and smiled.
Merlin listened to him with wide eyes, fascinated and disoriented by that bizarre, infinitely sweet princess. It was the first time he met a blue blood that behaved like that. "Tyrosh looks like a nice place," he replied, smiling shyly.
They were still half embraced, when someone cleared his throat a few steps away from them, causing them to part "Lady Sarah, I was looking for you" was Arthur talking.
"Me?" Sarah pointed to herself, turning a questioning look to the prince. "Is it for my sister? Did something happen? "
The prince smiled at her reassuringly "For that, yes, but also for another thing. Your sister is fine, don't worry, she has just returned to the castle with Gwaine ».
Just at that moment, from a corner of the corridor, Honey appeared, accompanied by the aforementioned knight. Sarah ran up against her, putting her hands on her shoulders and looking at her to make sure she wasn't hurt or something else. "Honey? He asked, but apart from his completely soaked clothes there seemed nothing to worry about.
"Yes, you know how it is ... there was rain and then I took the opportunity to take a nice walk," he replied in his usual vague and jaunty way, but Sarah had learned to interpret and understood that there was something did not go, but decided not to investigate further in front of those present, he knew that his sister would not like.
"Anyway, Lady Sarah, now that you're no longer upset about your sister there's something I want to ask you," said Arthur as he approached two.
"Certainly, my Lord, tell me."
"You see, I'm planning to organize a tournament, usually on these occasions the winner is offered several prizes, including the chance to accompany the most illustrious lady of the city to the celebrations for the end of the tournament. Since you are a princess, would you like to be the winner's lady? "
At that request, Sarah felt herself blush. "I? I don't know if ..." he began to say with the intention of refusing, but then he thought about it for a moment and realized by himself that it wouldn't be nice. Arthur had spoken of it as a great honor, referring to her as the most illustrious lady of the city, so in the end, she decided to accept. "It will be an honor for me to accompany those who will prove to be so valiant as to win the tournament," he replied, then glanced at Honey: his expression was thoughtful and his lips curved in a smirk. And Sarah knew she was already enjoying the idea of participating in that tournament.
to be continued