In rivers, lakes, canals, streams and even near the sea, we can find a very common fish-chub. It is so ubiquitous that it often happens to catch it even when it is not the goal of our catch. You can fish with most fishing techniques but today we will focus on spinning. It is an unjustly very undervalued fish: when you go to very beaten and frequented spots, this fish becomes extremely cunning and difficult to fool with artificial bait.
If we approach with the proper equipment, chub fishing becomes exciting and very satisfying! That's why I chose to tell you about it in an introductory and in-depth article. It is worth trying it and testing it, both in urban street fishing environments, and in open water, where the chub can express the maximum of its combativeness and cunning.
Chub fishing: let's get to know it!
The chub is part of the family of cyprinids and is easily recognizable by the color of the large scales it presents. The color varies mainly from dark golden/greenish and goes to shade towards the belly, mostly brown / silver. However, the colouration of the livery varies according to the habitat. Its body is tapered and longilinear and has a very wide mouth.
It can be found all over Europe but in Italy there is the Italic chub, recognizable by the brown fins and not tending towards the reddish like those of the European. Being a very resistant fish, it manages to populate waters contaminated by both urban and industrial agents. The scrub occurs approximately from April to July and is extremely variable depending on the climate and habitat. The chub at a young age groups in large flocks of the same size, also formed by hundreds of specimens. This often causes chub diseases, which often have abnormal spots all over the body.
They can also present wounds caused by cormorants or other birds that pounce on them to eat them. When it grows, however, it prefers to be alone or to form small groups composed of a few individuals. This cyprinid feeds more on small fish, small amphibians or insects that lie on the surface of the water. The baits you can use are so many! The funniest feature is that it tends to follow the bait to the last, and then launch its spectacular attack.
Chub spinning fishing tackle China manufacturer
Being a fish that does not have sharp teeth and does not reach large dimensions, you can opt for light equipment. I usually opt for a 2.10 m long 2-8 gr barrel that perfectly holds the lively chub combat, and at the same time makes it fun. The length of the barrel and the weight vary according to the spots. In places rich in obstacles, such as submerged trees and algae, it could serve a longer and more powerful rod than the one mentioned. Instead if it is a fishing place where vegetation is not in the way, we can choose an ultra light rod with which we can throw very small and light baits.
Normally I use a reel of size 2500, to which I imbobbino a braid of 0.10. As a terminal I combine a piece of fluorocarbon of about 1m of 0.25, to cope with possible submerged obstacles. If we choose an ultra light equipment, you can directly imbobinate nylon or light fluorocarbon. The landing net must always be at hand, extendable or not depending on the spot. If possible, it must be equipped with a gummed net so as to handle the fish without harming it.
Artificial baits for chub spinning
The variety of baits is very wide. Let's start by describing the hard bait. When it comes to chub, but also trout, I mainly use small sinking minnows and not. The sizes I prefer are 5 and 7 cm. The best colors are the natural ones that mimic the fish present on the spot (often opt for the coloring of the headlight, Iris and silver). Another very catching bait is the teaspoon.
I often use the measure of 2 and also of 3, which with its strong vibrations, immediately attracts the attention of the fish present. The classic silver, gold and copper colors always give excellent results. When chub is active on the surface, it is very fun to use small poppers or creatures that mimic insects afloat. You know, afloat attacks always give a great show! Instead of soft bait (soft baits) I mainly use small grubs or Shads that mimic small fish.
With more listless or wary fish are deadly worms and rubber creatures mounted on spiked hooks. We should always opt for biodegradable baits, not only because they absorb more the scent that covers them, but above all because they do not cause any harm to the environment and fish. The colors here can vary, try more vivid colors such as pink, orange or yellow sometimes stimulates the chub to attack with greater malice.
Why fish chub?
Chub is often considered a “rebound " fish. In fact, it replaces our main targets when they are in or at a time not suitable for their capture. Fishermen are more concentrated in more “famous” fish such as trout, bass, pike. Chub fishing, however, remains a valid alternative, which can entertain us at any time of the year.
And most importantly, it is a cunning fish, which has represented in the past a worthy opponent for everyone, from inveterate bolognesari to lovers of spinning, before the invasion of the alloctono fish that will surely be fun to fish in spinning, but will never win the heart of those who love vintage fishing as we connoisseurs.