February 1238
Yaroslavl, the great brother of Grand Duke Yuri of Vladimir was equal to him. The iron hand of the son of Vsevolod the Big nest, was holding 2 of the largest cities of Ancient Russia — Kiev and Novgorod. Fatherly destinies were in the lands of Vladimir.
When trouble came to the Ryan land and called his brother for help, Yaroslavl immediately rushed from Kiev to Novgorod to raise the famous Novgorod army...
The descendants of the Vikings
Few people in Russia could compete with Novgorod PESC. Trained on the European model, with Europeans at war. The glorious traditions of the Lagrangian infantry held in the first Viking city stronger than in other principalities. Western merchants across the sea supplied Verify Novgorod with plate armor, long swords and spears.
Having made of Novgorod vigilantes German sergeants and knights, Yaroslavl successfully resisted the Teutonic order and the king of Sweden. Novgorod would have created a serious problem Batu, acting together with the magnificent army of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir.
Yaroslavl's Flour
Arriving in Novgorod, Yaroslavl quickly began to gather troops. He sent messengers to PSV Smolensk Prince, calling to come to the aid of Yuri together. He called upon the militia and the brigade charged fodder Novgorod armor cavalry. It was time to go, Yuri constantly sent messengers to him.
But former strife began to heat the head, and former offenses to poison heart. Yaroslavl sat in the Citadel, clutching the Cup and boring eyes table. Yaroslavl burned debt and love of power. What's wrong with him? Why doesn't he rush to brother Yuri? He's my brother! Really hyenas are more important than people? In Yaroslavl? Kenyan? Torque?
And the black half whispered-do nothing. Brother will fight himself, forces fight back?????. But then-will not remain. And he will be. And you will become the chief in Sunday, sit on the Grand throne. If Yuri can't, you can. Break weakened Tatars under the walls of Novgorod full army. No, he didn't want Yuri...
Precious time dripped away. And Novgorod army all-just stood around. Sons Alexander and Andrew timidly looked at him in silent question.” When”? Thousands whispered at the meal- “ the army is standing, trampling.”
Through 3 days arrived a new a messenger Yuri. When all gathered in the Prince's hall, thickened sticky silence.
Everyone hid their eyes from the anxious gaze of the Vladimir envoy...
Prince, Yuri asks you to come soon. Burn villages and towns across our land. The power of the Tatars is mighty, he can not cope without you. Tatars burned Vladimir, Sunday and Moscow, residents killed. Your nephews, his children-Vladimir, Vsevolod, Mislay fell in battle. Both the Governor, too. His wife Agatha with the daughter, grandsons and families of sons — burned down.
And the brothers? Yaroslavl asked in a trembling voice. Alive, thank God. Your brothers, Svyatoslav Yurievsky, Ivan Standout go with the teams to the jury. Your nephews: Basil'to of Rostov, Vsevolod of Yaroslavl and Glitch Vladimir already with the Grand Duke.
Yaroslavl shuddered, hardly holding back tears. The horror of what had happened began to fill him. Poor brother! Yuri lost everything. And he.... Shame on you. To him, his father. Before God. Yaroslavl resolutely got up. And with a crash of pushed-back benches others jumped up.
He looked hard at the Governor. Raise the army. Go to Yuri in Yaroslavl
16 000 Novgorodians moved to the aid of Vladimir. But Yaroslavl did not know that his brother was not there. That the future of all Russia will be decided without him. In the taiga wilderness on the ice of an unknown river, whose name hundreds of years later will respond to pain in Russian hearts-Sit.