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Like carpfishing. 2 part


After talking about equipment and frame you can not help but deal with the topic baits. Fundamental theme of carpfishing. I would begin with describing the boilies, iconic bait of this technique. Boilies are spherical baits made from flours of different types, aromas and eggs.

They have a size ranging from 6 to 40 mm. there are a wide variety of them. They are divided into sinks and pop-ups (floats), both of which can vary in diameter and taste. Finally there are the classic baits, IE grains and natural baits such as the bigattino. In short, a choice so wide to be able to put in crisis anyone! There is no universal perfect bait.


Carps are like that, they love to surprise us and be surprised! But in all this universe of variety of tastes, shapes and colors there are firm points. Safe ports that always help us out. Corn is one of them. Universal food that can always attract fish, in all seasons. Even better if flavored, on the market you will find several flavors including vanilla and strawberry. Returning to the boilies the latter was created ad hoc for our moustached friends and in this technique will always be our bait Queen.

Around the world of carpfishing there is a universe of items to buy. Some of these are crucial for a good and comfortable fishing session. Others can be left momentarily, or permanently, aside. The first purchase to make is definitely a kit of acoustic detectors, fundamental because they warn us with a” beep " whenever the wire moves.

This allows us to keep ready for when the carp will bite. These detectors are usually screwed onto a tripod, called rod pod, that is a single support that holds our rods correctly in fishing. Personally to start I recommend buying simple pegs that are very versatile and more accessible, as being anchored to the ground allow us to fish in most spots. As for the well-being of the fish there are two items that are absolutely indispensable: a very large landing net and a well-padded mat.

Always remember to carefully wet the mat before laying the carp! Another important purchase is a chair, not necessarily carpfishing, can fit even a camping chair. The key thing is that it's comfortable. There will be many hours of waiting in fact. To avoid getting wet, or being cooked by The Sun, I also recommend buying a carpfishing umbrella or a small shelter tent, also called bivvy.

Further advice

Here are some small suggestions. First of all, never let yourself be discouraged. There are Coats, there are. Even if you do everything perfectly it may happen that no carp decides to take the bait. Don't panic. No demoralizing. Carpishing was born to make a "selection". If he bites anything, he's not going to be small. So the key word is perseverance.

The wait will be well paid off, I can assure you. The second is a more technical advice: the size of the boilie will be chosen according to the size of the hook. If the boilie is too big, we risk losing the carp. In fact, in the suction phase, the fish will suck the bait and hook it. In the phase of expulsion instead the hook will be covered by the excessive size of the boilie and therefore we will not have a allamata. Let's say there is no real written rule.

There must be some harmony between the two sides. The quantities must be similar. If the boilie seems too big, or too small, it is probably because the choice is incorrect. Most boilies found on the market range from 18 to 22 mm. For these it will be necessary to use a hook between the sizes 2-4. Thirdly, and finally, I recommend that preventive pasturing be carried out where possible. Without exaggeration, we must recall the carp, not feed it. An overfishing would, in fact, risk compromising the fishing session.


Carpfishing is not an “immediate”fishing. At first I was irritated by having to wait so long, and especially not having control of the situation. It all happened down, in the depths of a lake, or in the bed of the river. But then that sound, that” beep " of the alarms, invaded part of my mind. He made his way into the center of my passions, impressing himself with strength. Making me think I hear it from time to time.


How much power can a single, simple signal have on our mind? How much can it affect the way we see and perceive fishing? Much. Very much. I invite you to try and believe. You won't be able to do without it. Carpfishing is a fishing in which the body remains firm, but the mind does not. Behind every frame, every trigger, there are different minds who have worked together for changes. This technique may seem difficult precisely for this wide variety of frames and baits.

But I assure you that starting from the basics you will realize that it is simple, essential. Because as in all things, simplicity wins. A simplicity that also returns here. Also in this universe made of rig, taste and size. A simplicity that is made of silence, dreams, ideas and hopes. Silences that, if you are lucky, will be interrupted by a sound that will change your way of life fishing.