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Андрей Шарапов

300 Spartans Ryan. The first battle of the Russian and the Mongols of Batu.


On the border of Russian lands Ryan squad bravely attacked the Horde of Batu in 1237

December 1237
From frost and breathing tens of thousands of horses and people, until the most cloud teetered the wall snow dust and clubs couple. From the trampling of hundreds of thousands of hoofs the Ryan land hummed. The sharp frost, biting into the horses and fur Malachi Mongols, did not allow breathing ...

Crossing the border of Russia
Darkness Batu black snake stretched for tens of kilometers, broken by 14 Lumen, 120,000 swords. Taxi (couriers) ran along it in clouds of snow, carrying orders of Genghis (princes, grandsons of Genghis Khan).

The first was the head of Lumen Chingizid Bar. The leader of the Western campaign of Batu, was driving in the middle of the troops, surrounded by brothers and faithful torgautov (bodyguards).

The body of the Ryan Ambassador, Floor Yurievich, the son of the Ryan Prince, whom he had killed, was left far behind.

It wasn't good with the Ambassador, but it was his fault. He was proud. Refused to give up his wife, insulted him in public. But it doesn't matter, have no auto force. Russ will submit and everything will be forgotten...
At dawn the Mongolian darkness passed the edge of the river Voronezh. And began to be drawn into the depths of the Ryan forests. Suddenly behind the forest, where he was head of Lumen came the roar of the signal pipes and began to grow dull thud. To the order of the bat from all sides jumped out of breath CUADI advanced Romanov — “ENG! RUSS!” This Batu did not expect.

Subscribe and up. And read the History of the Russian.

Yuri Ryazansky
The ruler of the Ryan Principality Yuri Ingvarevich went crazy with grief. His son, his pride, his heir, were slain by the Tartars. Sending Floor with the Embassy to Batu, it never occurred to him that it is possible — to kill the Ambassador.

He sent the richest gifts, the best people to calm the Tatar Khan and buy time. While his brothers in Sunday, Chernihiv and Vladimir are asking the princes to send their troops. But now the son is dead, and his wife Eurasia with the grandson was thrown out of a window from a grief.

But father he on the second. And on first-he Ryan Prince. And need to act. Sly Batu did not give time and go at it. The entire Ryan bulk, 15,000 troops gathered in Ryan.

Came squads of From, and Prone, troops from Pereyaslavl-Ryazan, Blood, Bratislava, Ijekavica, Paprika, from all villages, came a militia. But because of this, all the Ryan lands are now naked and defenseless. There are no warriors.

What to do? To Defend Ryan? Generally depart in the Union of Sunday land, saving the army? And leave the Principality, their families at the mercy of? No, I will attack Batu unexpectedly. I will avenge the son and I will cover the earth-Yury Ryazansky decided.

The ambush turned the Ryan army near the border of the Voronezh river. The heavy lance cavalry, the grid of the Prince's retinue, stood on the opposite side of the forest field. Then turned mail princely PESC with severe scarlet shields followed by numerous peasant militia.

Proud flew the banners of Ryan, Les copies rocked a caring sheltered forest. Here and there the helmets of the vigilantes flashed in the December dawn. The sheepskin coats of the militia were dark among the trees.

The first Mongol patrols were taken down by local hunters who knew every hiding place. When the main forces of the Mongols were drawn into the forest, roared the Prince's horn Yuri Ryan. 15,000 Ryan citizens moved from all sides.

Did the Prince know that 120,000 Mongols were actually attacking? It is unlikely, Lumen was a gap, hidden by the thicket and miles, all the power is not to be seen. But Yuri Ryazansky knew for sure that there were many more Mongols.

Attack Ryan rate
Throwing snow to the side, went on the attack in Ryan heavy cavalry. Those who had regrouped from the Mongols rushed to meet them. Again roared the Ryan military tubes, and origin lowering his spear, aiming at the approaching nomads, choosing your own opponent.

With a clang and a roar two horse avalanches collided on a snow-covered field, hundreds of Mongolian riders flew out of their saddles, unable to withstand a direct spear strike Ryan vigilantes. More fell to the ground with their horses, unable to resist the ramming onslaught of Russian cavalry.

Attack spear-armed heavy cavalry.

Most of the Mongols on the ground were trampled underfoot. In openings of the lying and tangles of the clasped bodies the Ryan soldiers who ran up hit. Lumen Bar's column crumbled and the Mongols fled back. Yuri Ryazansky could not believe his eyes, luck was on his side.

Vigilantes on the heels pursued the fleeing, and the militia Ryan wings ran to the sides, covering the flanks. But the resistance grew. And already ran the new nukes, unfolding the treadmill. On the field battlefield released the next, 2 TH Lumen Mongols. Another 10,000 grappled with the Ryan.

Batu is furious
Batu did not expect that the Ryan Prince would dare to attack him. And when it was reported to him that the trusts were only one and a half lumens, and they had overturned his advanced Lumen, he was furious. The forest battle did not allow him simply to surround and shoot a handful of daring Ryan arrows hundreds of thousands of shooters. Forest and snow limited the maneuver, forcing him to take a frontal fight.

And he ordered the next Lumen in the column — Sunbeam and Burke to defeat the Russians. 2 Lumen — 20 000 Mongols hastily approached the battlefield, getting involved in the battle with the Ryan potysyachno.