The second person she meets in Zarechye will be Anisya.
It is this which she will see on her first day in a new place. There will be two guys with her - one that looks like Anisya herself, the other a little faded against their background, but still striking. But she will recognize them later, and she will often meet with the Earth witch.
Anisya is not Margarita, there is no sincerity in her, which is full of in Ruian. She looks with some contempt in her eyes, looks at Pauline from head to toe and seems to remain dissatisfied. Pauline understands her reaction perfectly. Where she cares about Anisya, a thin beauty who is so popular with the rest of the world. You shouldn't even put them next to each other - they're too different.
But Anisya is something more than a contemptuous look, high self-esteem and beauty. It is higher than that. Slightly naive, sometimes irresponsible, but able to keep secrets. She can smile widely, laugh loudly, regardless of all her noble manners, and be a good friend. Not to everyone, but that's enough. Pauline will soon know about it when the thunder catches them on the lawn.
Muromets will look up at the tightened sky, wince when the rain drop falls on her nose and hurries to collect the books, so they don't get wet. She won't notice Fenshawe's frozen nose right away. The water lady stares into the void, hugging herself and shaking as if she were cold. Anisya will think that this is how the attack begins, but she won't hear a scream, and leaning over her friend, she will realize that she is conscious and it is not a curse.
- Should I start to worry and run after the healer? - The Earth Wizard will be interested.
- No," Pauline shakes her head. - It will pass soon.
- Shall I take you to the hut? - Anisya will offer.
Pauline will agree. Anisya will let you grab her hand and will not even say anything when Fenshaway squeezes tender skin too much. He will only look at the frightened Pauline, thinking of looking on the way to Seva. Just in case it's still a seizure, but even more strange than usual. But Pauline will pull it further and won't even let her call Ovrazhkina when he appears on the porch of the hut. And later, wrapping Pauline in a blanket and sticking a cup of hot tea, Anisya learns about the wild fear of thunder.
Anisya will not ask if it is a secret, and Pauline will not ask to be silent, but no one else's will ever find out about it from Murometz. The earthly sorceress will sit next to her friend, find her hand under the blanket and this time she will squeeze tightly. Pauline will smile at her crookedly and shudder with another strong sound. Margherita will return. The two of them will talk to Pauline, and when the rumbling gets even stronger, Ruian will make a friend, while Anisya will be anxiously looking at the raging weather, secretly wishing it would end sooner or later. And as if by magic everything will stop.
Pauline will close her eyes for the last time and tear her tears. The monster's silhouettes will gradually dissipate, leaving until the next bad weather.
She will like Vasilisa. Such a redhead, with a warm smile and a great desire to make friends. She will cause only positive feelings. She will make Pauline feel good. Almost at home. Vasilisa always smiles, even when she is scared to death in her knees. She speaks quietly and calmly, does not rush anywhere and treats everyone with understanding. It is Vasya who will remind her of her grandfather's old words that "you have to treat people the way you want them to treat you". And the sorceress is respected, reaching out to the girl and Pauline is one of those who need her. In wise words, in warm eyes, in a strong embrace. Margherita becomes her best friend, Vasilisa is practically her sister.
The sorceress learns about Pauline's secret by pure chance. She hears Anisya and Margaret talking, and those who notice her too late will only breathe. Therefore, when Pauline and Vasya are in the company of Mitya and Seva, and the sky is tightened by clouds, Umnova suddenly remembers about the urgent matter and drags the Waterman behind him. She will smile at Ovrazhkin's mistrustful look, nod Muromtsu and increase the speed.
Pauline will feel the warmth in her chest and the inexpressible feeling, which she still does not understand. Looking back at the guys, she will blush under careful eyes and let Vasya take herself away.
Rain will not catch them and before the thunder Vasilisa will wrap Pauline in a blanket, holding a cup of tea. Fenshaw will laugh quietly, gratefully looking at the redhead. They won't talk, but silence will be a salvation. Pauline's dream monsters will retreat and their place will be taken by calmness.
This time they will not hear thunder, only weak drops of rain hitting the ground.