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How to adjust the beard by yourself staff. Part 1


Shaving is a very important routine operation and must be done in the best possible way to ensure that your face is properly cleansed and looks tidy. Among the many ways to do the beard, there is also the one that provides the rule-barb, an electrical tool very convenient and practical to use that can also solve many problems for those with, particularly sensitive skin. Here's how to use it in the best possible way for a perfect result.

How to adjust your beard

For men, a beard is a very important cleaning ritual. Some people prefer a long and rather unkempt beard, of course, but for others it is a daily need, even at work, to have it always in order and well regulated. Usually, we proceed with the classic shaving foam and, with a razor blade in hand, we start shaving.

But the blades of the razor in contact with the skin, especially for the most sensitive ones, can cause many problems. Folliculitis, irritation, and redness are the order of the day for those who have very delicate facial skin and, for this reason, for some men shaving every day becomes virtually impossible. So how do you do it? The solution is simple, quite cheap and electric.

Yes, because one of the alternatives to the classic razor blade to be used with foam is the beard trimmer, a practical electric accessory that allows you to thin and shorten the beard at will without necessarily irritating the skin by putting it in contact with the blades of the razor. But how do you adjust your beard yourself?


First of all, it is necessary to prepare the skin in the best possible way. Before starting to thin out and adjust your beard, wash your face, preferably with a mild soap or facial cleanser, and dry your skin very gently. Then, armed with scissors, it is advisable to start to thin the beard with scissors and only then start to use the beard trimmer. This is to avoid unnecessary pain and to prevent the beard hair from literally jamming in the machine. Once this operation has been completed, you can start using the beard trimmer.


Now on the market, there are really different types, prices are variable but there are certainly the cheapest opportunities and some rule-barbs are integrated directly into the rule-hair with special blades. Even many dermatologists, now, advise patients to use this tool as an alternative to the blade in contact with the skin, especially if the patient has very delicate skin and suffers from dermatitis.

What differentiates the various models of rule-barbs are the different cutting measures they propose. If you prefer to leave your beard rather long, it is a good idea to choose a beard trimmer that cuts at fairly long lengths, while if you prefer a short cut, it is better to focus on a model that allows you to get to minimum sizes, even of 0.4 mm.

Then there are the models integrated with the hair regulator, those that only work with the power cord and the beard regulator that can also be used in the shower. It all depends on the amount you want to invest in the purchase and your personal needs. On the market there are all sorts of beard trimmers, but it is always better not to limit yourself to the price and look at the quality; a good beard trimmer, even if it has a higher price than the others much cheaper, has more chance of lasting over time than the models that cost a few tens of euros but are of low invoice and can break even in a few weeks.

Let's now see how to adjust the beard and what are the techniques allow achieving good results and a beautiful aesthetic. Using the beard trimmer is very simple and intuitive but, in any case, there are at least two precise rules to follow if you want to get a good result, regardless of what rule is the beard trimmer you have chosen to use:

Shaving in the early hours of the morning

Perhaps not everyone knows this, while others choose the evening, before going to bed, as the best time to shave, also because it is an operation that takes time and that is often tried not to do in the morning out of haste. The beard, however, is done in the morning, it is good to specify it.

It is not a rule set at random, but a real advice that experts communicate to those who in particular have delicate skin, in the early hours of the morning the skin, and therefore also the muscles of the face, is more rested and then make the beard is a stress less accident for the face.

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