- Hey, Chief,- the maid touched his sobbing friend by the shoulder, - look, there's Roxan.
- Roxanne? - Megamoguz reluctantly pulled away from the steering wheel that replaced the pillow and handkerchief at once and saw Miss Ritchie appearing outside the building.
- The servant, the code: Hide the car,- the alien said in a conspiratorial tone. - And I'm going to organize a date.
And with these words he, having activated the cloaking generator, jumped out of the car and ran into a cafe.
- Love works miracles,- the assistant fish smiled, seeing Megamozga off with his eyes. - Do you agree with me, Balbo?
Roxanne Ritchie put a newly bought lunch on the tray and headed for her favourite table. After a few steps, she was disappointed to find that her seat was taken. However, looking back, the reporter found that there were no vacant seats anywhere else, and decided to sit at her favourite table under this pretext.
- Um, do you mind if I sit here? There are no seats anywhere else.
- It's okay, I'm glad to have your company, Miss Ritchie,- said the table neighbour in a voice that Roxanne had long known. Already guessing what was going on, she looked at the other person and her blue eyes were right in front of him, the emeralds. Before the pain of her acquaintances.
- Still, you found a way to arrange a date,- said Miss Ritchie, blurring her smile.
- Sure. You didn't forget about my... Wait, wait, wait! - his eyes widened. - A date? Already? You mean now?
- Yes. It will be short, but still.
- Really? Excellent! - Megamozg was ready to jump with joy: he lacked communication with Roxanne so much lately.
Miss Ritchie was also pleased: meeting her beloved Metro City hero was always like a breath of fresh air.
So now they both smiled at each other, and he put his palm on top of it. Of course, the next thing they knew they would touch was their lips, but...
- And the two lovers are united in a passionate, all-embracing kiss! - commented on the exciting new lines of his creation Balbo.
The "two lovers" shuddered and translated the look at the hobbit: Roxanne - perplexed, Megamozgomozg - so inexpressible that it is easier to describe the thoughts: "How? Why now? For what?"
- She moved closer to him, and he pressed his beloved to himself as if he did not want to part with her for a second of his heroic life! - continued to broadcast Ryukzachini.
- Who was it? - When she came to her senses, she asked Miss Ritchie.
- This? - The alien asked, pretending to be bewildered. - It was...
- Balbo Ryukzachini, a modest chronicler, who depicts the life of the Great Hero on the pages of his book,- he bowed and said a hobbit when he finally broke away from his notebook.
- In general, yes. It's Balbo. A hobby... a hobbit.
- Yeah. And he couldn't,- Roxanne cut herself off and spoke directly to Balbo. - Could you leave us alone, please?
- Oh, please forgive me, the Hero's chosen one, but I have to be with the Great One all the time!
Megamozg, who was holding his fists behind his back all this time, had knuckles of his fingers crunching.
- Well,- he looked down on Balbo, - probably another time.
- Yes,- Miss Ritchie added her own to the blue alien's look, - another time.
By escorting Roxanne to the entrance of the office building, Megamozgum returned to the car.
- So, how'd it go? - The Employee asked.
- Ooh.
- Okay... Well, maybe you had lemonade with a valerian again?
- I would be glad to. But I don't need it.
- Without valerian?
- Without lemonade.
After all, the patrol, the hero, his assistant, and the scribe returned to the Haunted Hill, and everything went back to normal: Balbo worked hard on the book, and the servant and the Megamozg just tried to work because of You-know-who.
- The servant, you know, I have a Nastalgea,- the alien sighed, breaking away from the blueprints.
- What? - The assistant fish took out the earplugs. How did he get the earplugs in? Let's leave this fascinating Balbo process to the description.
- I have Nastalgea.
- That is nostalgia? Really?
- Yeah,- Megamozg smiled dreamily. - How good it was to be a villain: if he wanted to, he threw the victim to the alligators...
- First of all, we put the alligators in the zoo. Secondly, you never did that,- the maid said, putting a cup of tea on the chief's desk.
- You're probably right... But, you know,- the alien called out to the Helper when he was about to leave, - I was sure you'd blame me for the violence.
- Chief,- the helper fish sighed heavily, looking back at the room next door where Ryukzachini was building, - you're not the only one who wanted peace.