The last citadel surprised the Mongols.
It was over. The Ryan land burned with the fire of its cities. Blood, Izheslavl, Parents, Prone, Rostislavl ... the Survivors were driven to the last unconquered citadel. 16 December 1237 year advanced Lumen Urdu released to Ryan
Ancient Ryan on the map of Russia. Ryan today-Pereyaslavl-Ryazan then
The last citadel
Large scale (leader) Batu came on the frozen rivers and-a-half Romanov the Mongol Empire. 70 000 Asians + Chinese siege fog and convoy. The remaining 40 000 finished Ryan land.
From Prone came the Lumen of Burundi, who had not saved the son of Tsubodai from the Russian ax. Sunbeam himself with his Lumen besieged Pereyaslavl-Ryazan in the North, blocking the possible approach of Vladimir reinforcements.
Ryan surprised the Mongols dazzling radiance of its powerful walls. The capital was the strongest fortress of Russia. The precipice on the side of the OK made it impossible to storm from it. On the other 3 sides Ryan surrounded itself with an earthen rampart 9 meters high and 25 steps wide, with a moat in front.
On the shaft a powerful Tracy — double wall of oak logs, between the earth and stones. Tapas closed in high vezhi-wide wooden towers with a 5-layer roof.
Delhi (towers) and Tracy (double walls) of ancient Ryan
The tower was extended a little forward for a flank attack assault. Within Ryan was and the second line defense. The earthen shaft and a wall surrounding the citadel, the princely Kremlin.
The walls of Ryan dazzled with sunlight. The Governor of Ryan Armor ordered to fill them with water, and the frost chained the walls in slippery ice...
Location of ancient Ryan in the modern picture
The Defenders Of Ryan
The battle on the Voronezh river deprived the Principality of Ryan of almost all the princes and their squads. In the capital came back no more than 700 horsemen from the battle. Another 400 men — at-arms were in Armor's personal reserve and in the guard of Princess Agrippina of Ryan. This all, that was on 3.5 miles (5.63 km) Ryan walls.
And that made defense impossible. If not for the Ryan people. From small to large Russians rose to defend the city...
Armor leaving 500 kidney reserve, has broken their warriors on Sotnikov and foremen. Added to them seasoned militias, brave safe crackers and strong lumberjacks. Defined place in the defense of each squad. And sent in hundreds of and in tens of all, who could raise weapons.
Teenagers, adults and old people, yesterday's peasants and townspeople reached for the wagons with swords, spears, clubs and axes. On the walls stood the hunters, become the arrow. Anyone who could pull the string. Not comparable to the army of Ryan with the able darkness of Batu, but the houses and walls help. 40,000 militia against 70,000 Tatars...
And now the alarm sounded, announcing the approach of the Tatar army. The trouble, that waited, came. And the thick lingering sound of the Vice bell floated for the last time over Ryan, the district churchyards and the snowy forest. Saw off their sons, husbands and fathers of the family, silently frozen in a silent circle...
Townspeople and peasants took their places on the walls, the pole and gorodnitsa. Bonfires blazed under vats of boiling water and pitch, and armfuls of walls and suits were raised on the walls.
Under a prolonged moan of Rabat watched the village in the darkness, coming towards them
And here, axes of slaves of NASCAR rattled-prisoners of Ryan chopped down the wood and surrounded the city with a stockade that nobody left. Other slaves under a hail of arrows of fellow countrymen filled up a ditch with branches and fell in it the struck.
Defenders also fell from the walls, Mongolian archers had no equal. Changing and running away to warm their fingers at the fires, they continually poured a stream of arrows and received a response. The howling of the arrows made his ears ache.
The Chinese whipped Ryan slaves, demanding to quickly build battering rams and catapults
Mountains of stones and birch logs soaked in water for weight grew every hour. Along with the bodies of prisoners who fell from the weight. By the evening of December 16 earned vices. Stones and logs shattered the timbers of the walls and towers. Pots of oil followed, causing fires. Ryan Shuddered.
At night, in several places, NASCAR's slaves filled the moat with wood and themselves. Opened Mongols' opportunity to approach the walls take a careful
Batu didn't want to wait. He knew there were no warriors in the city. That peasants and children stand on the Ryan walls. What are they against his darkness, which took Korea, Bulgar and Bilyar-with walls and people 2 times more? Dust, nothing...
Without waiting for the collapse of the vices of the walls, Batu gave the order to storm Ryan at dawn on December 17, 1237