December 1237
He knew what would happen to him and his family long before Batu's invasion and meeting his wife, Eurasia. Fedora Yurievich, the son and heir of the Ryan Governor Jury Igurevich.
The great Wonder worker Nikolai appeared to the blessed Prince Floor Yurievich of Ryan and said: “Prince, go meet my miraculous image of Korean. For I want to stay here and work miracles.
Rays (red) today
And I will beseech the all — merciful and Humane Lord Christ, the Son of God, for you to give the crown of the Kingdom of Heaven to your wife and your son. (The story of Nikolai Zarazsky)
Gives the crown of the Kingdom of Heaven ... it was foretold to His family
martyrdom 12 years before his death. Floor Ryazansky kept the cross of this secret courageously to the end. Every day, looking at his beloved wife and son.
In 1231, Floor of Ryan married Eurasia. The Princess herself according to the Chronicles was from the “Royal family”. Thus, in Ancient Russia recognized only one-Byzantine. Although Eurasia was really kind of Romano of Basilica, take it to the Byzantine Princess mistakenly.
Centuries of Byzantine power have passed. And in the year when Yuri Ryan wooed his son, there was no longer the Byzantine Empire...
The fourth Crusade of Baldwin of Flanders was not against the Saracens, but against the Orthodox. He erased the Orthodox Empire from the political map. In Constantinople, temporarily for 100 years settled Frankish Empire with count Baldwin at the head. And part of the Byzantine Baseless, not the most prestigious, created a small Nicene Empire Mascaras dynasty.
Artist Gritskova Olga, 13 years old
Eurasia was a relative of the ruling in Nicaea John III Duke Va tats. And there is nothing strange in the fact that she was married to the heir of a simple Ryan Principality. Marriage for both States was successful.
Fedora of Ryan have brilliantly brought up the wife with the king, distant roots. And her father — a good dowry and a good fate for her daughter away from the war with the crusaders.
Who knew that Russia will soon be an earthly hell...
Short-lived happiness
Floor and Eurasia loved each other very much. Both were young and hot, and the Ryan Prince was a man of honor. His Royal parents loved his daughter-in-law.
Artist Iva nova Alana, 11 years old
And when she gave birth to their granddaughter-heir, were in seventh heaven. “And soon gave birth to a son by the name of Ivan Posting”. In the year of the Mongol invasion, their first child Tanya Posting was born.
6 years of happiness... But it is rarely and briefly... Wants much beauty Eurasia, the captain and the interpreter Athanasius of Arabic have Needle, who moved to Ryan from Chernihiv. And fell madly in love with another man's wife
Back To Batu
Before the invasion of Batu is sent to the Ryan Embassy to prevent it. And like agreed and staged a mongol a feast. But it is then that the lust-obsessed interpreter Athanasius will play his fatal role. Whisper drunken Batu about her beauty. And he would demand it.
Let me, Princess, now the beauty of your wife!
What loving husband, especially a Prince, would tolerate such a thing? And Floor answered.
It is not fit for us Christians to lead our wives to you, the wicked king, for fornication. When you defeat us, then you will own our wives!
Painting by I. Glazing
Was killed after Fedora of Ryan. Some like to argue that there is nothing in Batu's words for Batu. That the Mongols, like all Asians, had many women and were insignificant. That's not so. There were many concubines, not wives.
The Mongols had a cult of wives. And many decisions of the same Genghis Khan and his heirs were made by their wives. Batu inflicted insult deliberately.
And further-2 version of events in 2 sources. According to one, it happened in Ryan, in the Citadel of all Ryan rulers. On the other — Floor sent his family away from the center of events in the ancestral Palace in the Red, which is now Rays. And it happened later, when the Mongols got there.
Whatever it was, Eurasia could not survive the death of her beloved husband and the horrors of unclean humiliation that were prepared for her in the offer of love Batu.
And she threw herself with Tanya in her arms from the roof of the Prince's mansion.
Modern monument on the site of the graves of the family of Floor Ryan. Zaraysk
Loved ones will be reunited.
I remember three stone crosses over the grave,
And in my heart I carry your bitter-sweet way.
The whole family is canonized by the Church. The consecration of Eurasia raises many questions. Suicide is one of the worst sins, not to mention a child. Perhaps because of the controversy, so far we have not found a single icon of the martyrs. But the Orthodox Church has long answered this question.
At the conference on the canonization of the Holy Prince Theodore and Princess Eurasia, one of the churchmen said: “Let's bring up the same wives and mothers. And then-we will have a completely different homeland...»