That a child loves at 18 to 24 months
- He likes to eat on his own like a "big" meal, but also to prank with a spoon on the soup, spraying it out of the plate, pouring water into the compote and putting spinach in a glass of yogurt.
- He likes to put various objects in the cracks of the parquet or in the keyhole, to throw out the window a variety of things (it is necessary to take precautions, as accidents are possible), to say "no" out of a sense of contradiction, but also out of a desire to play. To get obedience from a child of this age, you can distract him or her. For example, if he doesn't want to undress, go to the window and say, "Oh, what a beautiful blue car, what a fat gray pigeon or what a little red dog", etc. The child comes running up, looking out the window, and meanwhile you take off his shirt...
Wanting to tease you, he often does the opposite. If you want him to come up, say goodbye and pretend to leave. He also likes to molest his mother with tenderness, kiss her, but not when she asks, to make faces to make those who look at him laugh. In short, she likes to tease, caress, and curse.
He likes it when they immediately understand what he wants. This is not always easy, because he has quite certain desires, and vocabulary is still very limited.
Attention: There are no reasons to worry about poor articulation, incorrect pronunciation of some letters or syllables at this age. Up to 4 years of age, no language difficulties, speech defects are not important yet. However, a speech therapist can be consulted.
At this stage of development, motor activity is very high, so that some children may have increased nervous excitability, so it is necessary to ensure that the child sleeps enough and observes the regime.
2 TO 2.5 YEARS
The age of 2-2.5 years is a period of calmness and balance, the transition from ubiquitous and restless child to capricious (21 /2 - 3 years), which we will talk about further.
At this age, the child becomes more sociable and easier to understand, as it is better explained. Indeed, if at the previous stage he did not stop touching everything, taking it in his hands, now he is primarily trying to talk. Having discovered the existence of other people and different objects, he wants to stick a label to each of them; to know the name of the objects, he asks, pointing at them with his finger: "And this...? Because?"... When he hears the answer, he repeats it like an echo the title.
This repetition is necessary for it to replenish your vocabulary. He names the names of others around him, lists his toys, sisters' and brothers' toys, various items, along with the name of their owner ("Mom's shoes ... Dad's book ..."). Faithful to his childish logic, he doesn't like to see objects change owners. Emmanuel, 2 1/2 years old, surprised to see his grandmother wearing her mother's shoes. As a storekeeper who makes an inventory of goods.
He lists the dishes he ate at lunch, dinner, yesterday and all the others he can remember. He is interested in where his father, sister or friend is, who often comes to play with him. All his questions are dictated by a strong desire to navigate the world around him, to find his place in it, to find himself. Remaining alone, he repeats his memorable words and comments on each of his actions. This is the beginning of a Long Monologue that will last for years, up to the age of 6-7 years.
By talking to one or the other for hours in this way, or to the other or to the doll, the child makes tremendous progress in the language. He not only learns new words, but also expresses his thoughts more freely, gradually moving away from child slang.
First, he will learn to express the belonging of objects (endless questions and enumerations are useless). Now he already says <<<<Lenny's machine", "Dad's spoon", etc. Then his speech will have adverbs, then pronouns.
Thus, the vocabulary is enriched day by day, but verbs continue to dominate it; and they number up to 90, sometimes up to 100. This number also includes distorted words, and there are quite a few of them, because the child is not yet able to pronounce some letters or is unable to reproduce what he or she has heard. Nevertheless, he builds the right phrases, putting each word in its place.
What progress for six months! This age period is particularly important for speech development. However, it is important to stress that we have already pointed out that there is no other area where the difference between children and speech development is as significant as in the field of speech development. One child knows 70 words in 2 years and 300 in 2*/2, another 50 words in 2 years and 100 in 2/2. In both cases we are talking about normally developed children. And such differences can persist throughout life: the main vocabulary of the so-called middle adult includes 1500 words, cultural and educated adult - 3000, erudite - 5000.